Part 24

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Artys's Pov, 

Seeing the two turn towards me with slight wide eyes my men walk into the room as I take my sword out of it's sheet and point it towards them. 


"Don't even dare to speak because I will cut your throat out before you can finish your sentence! You made her poison my father! You are behind all of this, you're the reason the Starks and the Lannister's went at each other's throats! You've been playing all sides for too long, it ends now!" I bite his way as I back him up towards the Moon Door that's being opened by Ser Vardis right now. 

"You'll die, and I'll make sure no one will ever speak the name Petyr Baelish again. Your house will die out, and with years no one will ever remember you anymore." I continue as I keep backing him up while his pleading eyes dart between the now open door in the wall and me. 

"A-artys think about this, we are loyal to yo-" He says before it turns into some coughs as he looks at me with wide eyes while his hands move to his neck as blood pours out from it while Lysa screams at the top of her lungs. 

"I warned you to shut up." I lowly say as he falls down on his knees with some grunts as he spits out blood before he falls face down on the ground. 

"No! Peter! Y-you killed him! Peter!" Lysa yells as she tries to walk for the dead rat and the soldiers stop her as they hold the woman back. "You poisoned my father, your husband...... you broke your vows, you turnend against your King........ In the name of Artys of the House Arryn the First of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms I sentence you Lysa Arryn to death." I lowly say as I look the woman dead in her eyes and soon she begins to scream and trash around in the hold of the men who lead her towards the moon door. 

"Artys! W-what of Robin! Y-you can't do this I'm his mother." 

"You're a snake who should have been dealt with many years ago, Robin will be better of without you..... The Vale is better of without people like you. You betrayed me.... you betrayed my father.... your husband..... and you thought I would let you get away with it all. " I say as they keep moving her to the moon door as wind oozes into the hall. 

"H-he's my son! Y-you can't do this!" She yells and I release a scoff. "The people who you sided with, murdered my son and threw his body into the River! They killed my wife and threw hers probably right after his! You betrayed me! You killed my father and you'll pay for those crimes you should be glad that I'm not like those you sided with otherwise Robin would be jumping out with you..... but I don't harm children, Robin will have a good life away from your claws." I say as I walk over to her and I let my cold eyes meet her teary ones before I give a nod and soon they push her out of the open door making a scream fill our ears as she falls the long way down while I turn away from the door. 

"The sell swords can either leave or die, the choice is up to them." I say before walking away from the scene with a shake of my head.

Some Day's Later, 

Throwing the roll with the other roll on the table I release a sigh before turning to look out of the window, Sansa Stark or well Lannister is now Sansa Bolton before I came here Petyr most likely sold her off to Roose Bolton I found the letter of how the two spoke about Sansa and Ramsay Bolton wedding. 

Joffrey is now wed to the Martell girl and Tyrion is a prisoner because they say he tried to poison Joffrey. Tyrion is a smart man he wouldn't try something to than only get caught. In a way I'm happy they one who did try didn't succeed now I can be the one to see the fear in the bastards eyes, to smell the piss and shit before I make that light leave his eyes. 

How he stood on that wall and laughed.... he just laughed that my wife and son are dead. How can a ma- well he's not a man but still how can anyone stand there and laugh at a man who.... who just lost everything. 

Mace Tyrell has pushed the Dornish back and I told him to send a part of his army more North to guard their borders.... the Reach holds the most riches and the Lannister's are having trouble feeding their army and King's Landing. 

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