Part 7.

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Margaery's Dress

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Margaery's Dress. 

Artys's Pov, 

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Day's Later, 

Standing in the Sept as I have to keep my nerves at bay I take a deep breath, this is it, this is the day I will wed Margaery Tyrell.  Even Robin and Lysa are here, after they returned from King's Landing they've been mostly keeping to themselves, not like we talked much before it's like we always lived past the other. 

Seeing Margaery walk in wearing a dark blue dress with golden accents I can't stop the smile that grows on my lips, she looks absolutely beautiful. As she loops her arm with that of her father they start to walk over to me, I wish my father could have been here but maybe in a way he is? He often spoke of me wedding. 

"Do you know why you need to wed one day?" My father asks me as we sit in the gardens together. "To strengthen our bonds with other houses, you married Lysa and Ned Stark married Catelyn Tully so that their father would fight in the rebelion with his forces. It united Three Great Houses and Wardens in  blood and vows." I answer him as I close my book and look at him with a hint of a smile on my lips. 

"Indeed, and when your off age you will also wed. We will make sure she's a lady worthy for the future Warden of the East." He speaks. "Aare you boring him again Jon." 

"Things he needs to learn and know, Your grace." My father says as Robert walks into the garden and his eyes soon fall on me. "What's he teling you now boy." 

"That I will wed a lady worthy of the future Warden of the East. Your grace." I say and soon some laughter leaves my lips as the tall man lifts me into the air and looks me over. "Marriage? You are barely big enough to lift a sword!" 

"I can lift a sword!" I counter as the man raises his brow at me. "You know when I think you are ready to wed?" He asks me and i shake my head. 

"When you can lift my warhammer not a moment before that." He says as he starts to tickle me and I trash around in his hold. "B-but y-your grace!" I giggle out and he releases some laughter. "Come on your father has bored you enough." 

"That was hammer weighs 5 times what he does right now." My father says with a amused shake of his head as he stands up and I lay half over Roberts shoulder. "Than it will take a long time before he can wed." 

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