Part 33

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Artys's Pov, 

The Next Day, 

Sitting on Mist with Sansa on one side of me and most of the other's slightly behind us we see the riders start to approach making me raise my brow as Rigle lands on my shoulder as I feel his claws dig through the leather armor I'm wearing, while the horses keep moving closer and closer.

"You don't have to be here." Jon speaks to his sister but she has to be here in a way, she wishes to be here .... nothing would keep her away from this. Not even me ordering it. 

Once the horses come to a stop the man in the front just looks at us with this stupid smug smile on his lips making my gaze harden, I don't know what he did to Sansa but you can see it in her eyes that he was terrible to her. 

"My beloved wife. I've missed you terribly." He starts making Rigle loudly cry at him as I feel his claws dig deeper into my skin. 

"Than-" He tries to continue before I cut him off. "Did I tell you to speak? No so shut up, I'm going to give you three choices." I start in a dominant tone as I nudge Mist slightly forward and look the Bastard dead in his eyes. 

"One you surrender, I will take your head off but your men get to live. Two you get of your horse, I get off of mine and we fight this the old ways. Or Three I will shove a spike so far up your ass tomorrow that it comes out of your mouth again as will I with the traitors behind you." I simply list up as I let Mist step back and forward. 

"I keep hearing stories about you. The way people talk about you, you're the greatest swordsman who ever walked or the Demon of the Trident Reborn with your war hammer. Maybe you are that good. Maybe not. I don't know if I'd beat you. But I know that my army will beat yours. I have 9,000 men. You have, what, half that? Not even?" He speaks smugly and I shrug my shoulders. 

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Your a bastard who thinks to highly of himself, and yet you wouldn't even wish to fight for your men...... every man behind me I've fought with, I've bled with and they know that so tell me would yours keep fighting if you won't fight for them." I reply with a chuckle as I nudge Mist back next to Sansa again. 

"He's good. Very good. Tell me Wife, Bastard, will you let your little brother die because you're both too proud to surrender?" He says as he first points at me and then looks at Sansa and Jon while I'm making him angry right now.... good let's make the idiot angry. 

"How do we know you have him?" Sansa speaks as her hard eyes meet those of Ramsay before he nods to the Lord next to him who pull a large black Wolf's or Dire wolf's? head out of his saddle bag and throws it on the ground in front of us. 

"Now, if you want to save —" He starts before now Sansa cuts his off making a grin appear on my face. "You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well." She says before turning her horse around and riding away as I give Jace and Tommen a nod as they ride after her. 

"She's a fine woman, your sister. I look forward to having her back in my b" He starts with a smile as he looks at Jon before I cut him off making his smile disappear. "Didn't I tell you to not speak? I'll enjoy shoving that spike up your ass.... now goodnight Bastard." I say as I turn around and gallop away as I hear the other hooves follow behind me. 


"If he was smart, he'd stay inside the walls of Winterfell and wait us out." Jon speaks as we look at the map while I stand next to Sansa and sip from my cup before holding it out to her that she takes. 

"That's not his way. He knows the North is watching. If the other houses sense weakness on his part, they'll stop fearing him. He can't have that. Fear is his power." Ser Davos speaks who before some how siding with Jon was the Hand of Stannis...... and now he's here? 

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