Part 46

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Artys's Pov, 

"No we will dig trenches here and here, also we will build catapults and trebuchets." I say as I point at the map while I have some of the best commanders around me right now. Randyll Tarly, Brynden Tully, Yohn Royce.

"And light them up, could give us an advantage." Brynden speaks and I nod my head. "Indeed, that will, do you think charging into them will be any use?" I ask Jon who seems to think about my words. 

"I'm not sure maybe heavy Cavalry maybe but light? They'll probably just tear through that." He says and well than that's off the table. 

"Then we have to keep them as far away from us as we can, we hold the dragons that can burn them, and we hold Dothraki screamers who will be used as just archers it's no use to anyone to charge them into the dead if they'll than become a part of the army right." I say as I look around the table. 

"And the women and children?" Lord Yohn asks. "They'll stay in the halls, it's the safest way." I state making Tyrion soon speak. 

"Why not in the crypts?"

"Have you hit your head this morning? The crypts? What lays in the crypts? And what does the Night King make alive again." I say with a raised brow as I look at the fool. "And here I thought you were smart, for now we need to get digging and building we don't know when the wall will fall but I'm not ready to wait around until it does, and he stand in front of us with his army. So Lord Mace get building on the Catapults and Trebuchets. Lord Brynden, I want you to oversee that the trenches are being made. Lord Randyll I wish for you and your men to start learning the others how to shoot arrows, we will make sure our shots count we can't have them shooting to whatever. Jon I want you to oversee that the smiths handle the Dragon Glass with care and the weapons are handed out." I say to the men around the table. 

"And what of your wedding?" Tyrion asks and I have to hold back my sigh. "I will wed Daenerys when she's ready, she should not expect anything big because we do not hold time or supplies for that at this moment." I state and he bows his head. 

"You all have your orders see that it get's done." 


Blocking the incoming swing with my sword I soon duck down from the second one as I right now am sparring against Lady Brienne and Ser Barristan, and it may have been the most foolish thing I've ever done! She defeated the hound! Or well that's what they say. 

Moving around their attacks I soon parry the swing attack of Ser Barristan before I jump up and kick him away from me with both feet, landing in the dirt I soon roll to the side as I have to dodge the incoming attack of Lady Brienne and continue to roll as she continues to swing at the ground before I jump up again and start to throw my attacks her way that she has trouble blocking all at once as she steps backwards. 

Slapping my sword against her back hard she stumbles forward and just in time for me to move around the attack of Ser Barristan as he now attacks me again and I move around them before disarming him and holding the point of my sword against his cheek. 

"You're getting old Ser." I say with a heavy breath as I pull my sword back and try to steady my breathing. "Aye and you're in your prime years." He says out of breath while the surrounding men are still cheering and I turn towards Lady Brienne. 

"If all women would fight like you, we have a easy time winning this battle."

"Thank you, your grace." She says with a bow of her head and I feel the seat running down my body despite the cold. "I'm in need of a bath, so some time tomorrow?" I ask the both of them and they nod their heads before I start to walk away and towards my chamber. 

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