Part 44

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Artys's Pov,

Some Day's Later, 

Standing on the deck as the cold wind moves through the sails I just wish to be off this ship already, it's just something about her that gets me going and I think it's the same way around her.  

At least we should be arriving at White Harbor in the morning, and then we can ride to Winterfell..... we've left the Greyjoy ships behind us as they're slower now with broken sails. 

And yet there will come a moment when we will have to handle Euron Greyjoy.... he sided with Joffrey and holds a 1000 ships not enough fighting men to make the difference on land now with Daenerys her army but on sea it's a different tale. 

"Aaah the cold of the North." The voice of Tyrion speaks as I notice him standing next to me. "What can I help you with Tyrion." I state as my eyes remain on the calm waters in front of us. 

"It's almost as cold as it is between you and your soon to be wife." He says and I nod my head. "She has a duty I have a duty that's it." 

"You didn't love Margaery first....... but it did grow. Give her a chance Artys." He speaks and now I can't stop the scoff that leaves my lips. "Margaery was sweet and kind, your queen is delusional." I say with a shake of my head. 

"Why because she wishes to sit on her father's throne? Because she want's to make this world a better place?" 

"Because she thinks that people want her here, how many people where loyal to the Targaryen's and how many stand with her now? She holds a army of people who don't belong here , a army of men who pillaged, raped, and burned down city by city. What she was doing in Essos was good but she doesn't belong her for the fact that she's Aerys's daughter or that she wishes to fix a Realm she knows nothing about." I list up as the wind moves a little harder right now. 

"If it wasn't for her dragons, many would have thrown her back into the sea already when her feet hit the sand. I will do my duty and she will do hers that's it, but I will never love her like I loved Margaery...... and don't ever dare to speak of her again." And with that I turn away and start to walk towards my cabin as the wind keeps increasing, the faster I'm off this ship the better. 

The Next Morning. 

Stepping off of the ship I see Lord Manderly already there with some of his men as he is quick to kneel down. "Lord Manderly please rise." I say with a hint of a smile making the heavy round man slowly get up.

"I hope your travels went well, your grace." He speak and I have to stop the sigh from leaving my lips. "As well as expected I imagine that you've been receiving the ships from Gultown." I ask as more and more of the Dothraki, horses, and Unsullied are getting off of the ships. 

"Yes, and we've been sending the carts to Winterfell with some soldiers to make sure no trouble happens on the way." He speaks and that's good I know the North didn't have the food to keep everyone's stomach filled so I've sent word to Gulltown and told them to start sending ships, with grain, vegetables and just food towards White Harbor so they than can be send to Winterfell. 

"And you're fighting men?" I ask him before I see white hair move to stand next to me and Lord Manderly looking between me and her. "Pardon me, this is Daenerys Targaryen." 

"Targaryen?" He says with almost wide eyes and I nod my head. "Yes she's to be my wife once we arrive in Winterfell, and your Queen." I state and he bows his head. 

"Forgive me your grace, White Harbor is under your command." He speaks towards her, with not much pleasure. "Thank you, My lord it's beautiful." She says as she looks around the only city in the North. 

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