Part 11.

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Day's Later, 

Blocking the incoming swing I soon send a kick against the knights chest plate making him fly back as I swing my sword against the second attacker who releases a groan as his friend also swings for me and I quickly disarm him as his sword flies away. 

As the last one tries to go for the stab I send a kick against his knee making him fall down on the ground. Looking around me I see the 4 knights laying on the ground as they grunt and groan while I walk over to the weapon rack and put the training sword back in it.

"You should all be lucky it's not sharp steel." Ser Marion says and I nod my head. "Maybe, but not all have had the opportunity to train with some of the best swordsmen alive." I say as Jace hands me my water and I take some sips from it.  He's the master at arms here, and I like to train at a daily basis.  

I don't know I feel like something is truly off right now. "My lord!" And I fear here we go, looking in the direction I have to stop the frow from stopping on my face as I see Ser Barristan quickly walk over with Ser Vardis. 

"Ser Barrista-" 

"I road as fast as I could, The King..... h-he spoke these words." He quickly speaks as he holds a letter out in my direction with Robert sigil. What? 

"Please calmy Ser Barristan." I say as I take the rolled-up letter from him and he takes a deep breath

"King Robert had a hunting accident.... on his death bed he named another his heir." He speaks and I turn my back towards him as I have to keep my emotions at bay. Robert is dead? Robert Baratheon is dead.......... Robert is dead? I loved the man like he was a second father to me....... he sparred with me and I don't know he would spend more time with me than with his own children. 

And now he's gone? I lost my father months ago and now Robert is dead. Taking a deep breath I break the sigil and let my eyes move over the words writing on the paper. 

In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the First of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I hereby name Artys of the House Arryn my heir after my passing the Iron Thorne will be his and he will be known as Artys of the House Arryn, the First of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm

Letting my eyes widen as I see it signed by the man I turn back around towards Ser Barristan. "Is this true? This can not be true right?" I ask the man who get's down on one knee. 

"I swear to ward the King with all my strength and give my blood for his. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. King Artys of the House Arryn , The First of his Name, King off the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protecter of the Realm." He speaks and I look around me towards the men here. 

"Ser Barristan if this is true, if Robert named me his heir it can cause a war...... the Lannister's will never accept this." I say with a shake of my head. "Lord Stark has given the other letter to the council.... Robert Baratheon named you his heir, the Iron Throne is yours. Your grace." He speaks as he gets up and gives me a small bow. 

"T-the King named you his h-heir?" 

"Send out the ravens...... let the Lords ready their men and march for The Border between the Vale and the Riverlands following the Highroad. I loved Robert like he was a father to me...... but I think he may have sent us all into a war right now." I speak before walking away as I run my hand through my hair and now I have to find Tommen and tell him his father is dead. 

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