Part 55

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Artys's Pov, 

Running towards the god's wood where my feet are leading me I block the attacks of the dead and kill them on my way as I run over the courtyard soon I duck down as the fucking wall half blows up by the mammoth that runs in followed by just more dead. 

Looking around me I see a dragon glass spear in a body while the mammoth is just using it's tusks to throw the soldiers away and I pick it up with one hand as I take some steps back, lining my throw up I take a deep breath before doing some steps forward and throwing the spear away from me as my eyes follow after it, seeing it fly through the sky it slams into the mammoths head making it falls to the ground dead as I start to run again. 

Running again towards the god's wood soon I feel a pair of talons grab me by my armor as one of the falcons starts to fly us over to it, looking down I just see chaos I have no other word for it than complete utter chaos.  As the chaos between the buildings of Winterfell changes into just dead surrounding the Heart Tree the falcons dives down before letting me go a couple feet in front of Bran while I see the White Walkers and Night King standing there. 

"Want him? Then come on snowy bastard let's dance." I say as I tightly hold my sword while my blue eyes bore into his. Seeing him raise his hand some of the dead are running forward and I attack every one of them as they start to fall down towards the ground. 

Blocking a swing I feel something slam into my back making me kill the one in front of my before swinging the one that came from behind, feeling the sweat form on my face even in the cold as I continue to slay the ones that run for me I start to take heavy breaths as I point my blade towards the Night King. 

"They call you a king! And yet you hide behind your puppets, your no king you're a little bitch!" I bite his way and I now see two of the white walkers march forward one with a frozen spear, the other with what looks like a frozen sword. 

As they in sync start to attack me I move around the attacks before I feel one end of the spear stab through the metal of my armor on the back, but I ignore the pain as I perry the attack of the one with the sword before shoving mine into him and he blows up into millions of pieces before I barely am able to duck down as the other swings for my head. 

Slicing his leg it's all that takes as it blows up also into thousands of pieces and I slowly stand up again as I take the straps off of my chest piece and it drops down to the ground with a clang as I look at the broken metal while taken some more parts off of the armor that now just feels uncomfortable ..... and heavy. 

"You're still a little frozen bitch." I almost grunt out as I stare back towards the Night King. "Because, I-I can do this all day." I add as I point my sword at him before he takes the frozen cleaver off of his back and takes some steps towards me. 

 As he is quick to attack I block his swing barely as my blade meets his as we now start the dance, the dance of life and dead...... only one of us can win this fight. Dawn will come or the world will be put into an endless night. 

When he goes for the trust I am quick to move to the side as I try to go for his body but he is quicker than me as he swing his frozen cleaver that I feel cut into the leathers I was wearing underneath my armor and the feeling of the cold ice breaking the skin of my stomach open wishes my body to fall to the ground, but my mind? My mind keep me standing as I block his next swing and continue the dance we've been doing for what feels like hours now even if it's  only really been minutes or even less. 

Feeling something shove into my back a pained yell leaves my lips as I turn around only to have the pain in my body be replaced by the pain in my heart as Tommen stands there with piercing blue eyes while his skin is pale and blood is covering his armor and head.

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