Part 27

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Time Later, 

Releasing a groan as I get out of the bed I hold my abdomen that's covered in bloody bandages, stabbed by my own half-brother. Robin he's just a boy and yet there are boys fighting in this war because Robert named me his heir and the whole of Westeros is in chaos. 

And seeing Robert I-I don't know anymore, was it real? Well, how can it be real he's dead and I thought so was I but clearly it all happened in my head.  "You should be in bed, your grace." Ser Barristan says and I wave him off with my free hand. 

"I've been in bend for weeks Ser Barristan." 

"That's because the Maester didn't know if you would make it." He breaths out with shame, I know that he feels like he failed me. He didn't, no one did, I should have watched Robin closer and maybe this would not have happened.

"The past is not something we can change, Ser Barristan. You are not to blame for what happened... only I am." I say softly as I squeeze the old knight's shoulder. "But it is my fault, Artys. I should have ignored your order and stayed on guard." He says with a frown. 

As the door opens soon my eyes slightly widen as I see Lady Olenna walk in while I stand here in some simple trousers. "L-lady Olenna." I groan out as I look at her while her eyes rake over my bandaged stomach. 

"They spoke that you may die.... stabbed by your younger half-brother how could this have happened?" The Queen of Roses says making a sigh leave my lips. "I live, and for Robin he spoke of that Peter told him I would hurt him." I say as I look at her. 

"And now what will you with him?" 

"I won't kill a innocent child that was used in the plans of Little Finger. Robin is scared and just lost his mother." I say while grabbing the nearby water and taking a couple of sips from it. 

"Innocent? You know who was innocent your wife and your son , those where innocent, Robin tried to kill you Arty-" She begins before I cut her off while my now hard eyes meet hers. "You do not have to remind me Lady Olenna, but if I kill him I will no better than those who took Margaery and my son from us..... I will not be like the Lannister's, The Bolton's or the Freys.... those who are guilty will die but I will not kill Robin who's shares my blood because he got poisoned by Little Finger." 

"I'll make sure those who took them from us, that they will see the destruction of their House, of everything they hold dear.... but I won't harm children. They are innocent of their parents' crimes, and I will not stain my honor with their blood." I continue with  shake of my head. 

"You talk of honor, but what good did it do for them? What good did it do for my granddaughter and her little boy when they were slaughtered? How can you be so blind to the fact that there are people who have no honor in war? They only have bloodlust and cruelty." She snaps back at me and I feel my eyes narrow.

"I am not blind, but I will not turn into them. I will not kill a child, Lady Olenna. Tywin Lannister will see ever-" I start before she cuts me off. 

"Tywin Lannister has been dead for weeks." She says and I let surprise take over me. "Killed by his son Tyrion before he fled east." She continues and Tyrion killed Tywin? Tyrion is many things and yet I never would have thought he would do that.... I wanted to take everything from Tywin, his ally's, his home, his gold everything he loved I wanted to take from the man and now I never can. 

Now I can never make that man feel what I felt when everything was taken from me. 

"Was hard to tell you when you slept most of the day and the other part you were so under the Milk of The Poppy I could have sold to you that you were a Dothraki." She says with a shake of her head as a sigh leaves my lips while I walk over to her. 

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