Part 47

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Artys's Pov, 

As the feast is in full swing with drunken tales being told, the smell of meat filling the halls with laughter and tales I sit beside my new wife. The hall is filled with so much warmth and this marriage, this union is cold as the nights right now here in Winterfell. 

And yet it's done, she is now my wife and that's we both have a duty, and I will do my part but that doesn't mean I will love her. Did my father love my mother? I have no clue, did he love Lysa? No but he did his duty and so will I. 

Letting my eyes briefly move towards Sansa who sit's next to Jon her eyes meet mine soon and I quickly look down in shame as I pick my cup of wine and bring it to my lips as I drink the sweet and yet bitter substance that I hope can drown my misery. 

"No, no you should have seen him as a boy! Kicking Robert Baratheon down on his ass before he grew fat!" Jace loudly speaks as he's half drunk and I run now my hand down my face as the hall erupts in laughter. 

"He must be the best Swordsman we've ever seen!" He continues and can this floor please just swallow me whole right now, Jace loves to tell stories! I'm not always sure if I like his drunken stories! 

"And he stood alone! When the Bolton scum charged at him! He stood alone with that Hammer! The Hammer that won the Rebelion and now lays in the hands of the King! Our king!" He yells as he shoots up from his chair and almost falls forward onto the table if it wasn't for Tommen pulling him back while laughter and cheers just erupt into the hall. 

"It seems that Ser Jace has drank too much." Tyrion speaks and I nod my head. "It seems like he has, remind us to let him wake up to dig in the morning." I say with a smile on my lips making laughter fill the hall as Tommen is helping Jace sit down. 


Walking into my chamber with my new wife I soon close the door behind me as I see her eyes move around the place. Jace is laying drunk somewhere and Sansa hasn't met my gaze the rest of the evening. 

"The Hammer that won the Rebellion." The voice of Daenerys says as she walks over to the War Hammer. "The hammer that killed my brother given to you by the man who killed him." She says as she let's her hand move over the handle before looking back towards me. 

"People die in war there's nothing that could ever change that." I mumble as I take off my jacket with a shake of my head. "Like your wife and Son." She says and I feel my gaze harden. 

"My wife and son were murdered, nothing not even war could justice what happened to them just like nothing can justify what happened to Elia Martell and her children." I lowly say as my probably angry eyes meet hers. 

"I did not mean to anger you." She says with her voice barely above a whisper. 

"And yet you did when you brought them up." I say with a scoff as I take my white tunic off and let it fall to the ground. "You think my father stood for what happend with them? For what they tried to do with you and Viserys? My father did not stand for the murder of innocent women and children and neither do I." I say as I just continue to take my clothes off so I can go to bed and sleep this day off. 

"And yet it happened, Robert's assassins trying to murder a baby in her crib." 

"And yet it didn't." I mumble as I look at her with a raised brow. "The only time that I heard of when Robert send an assassin after you is when you were wed to Khal Drogo, not before that." 

"As if he would discuss that with a child." She says and I roll my eyes as I fall back on the bed. "Robert and I spoke often about many things, if you do not wish to believe me than I will not try to change your mind all I'm saying it that Robert sent one assassin after you not dozens because like I said my father wouldn't stand for that." 

Feeling the bed next to me dip after some time I release a sigh as I pull the furs over me, it still surprises me that the chambers in Winterfell aren't freezing cold. It's because it's built on natural hot springs but yet it is nice to keep the fire on or well at least until I'm asleep. 

Shooting up after a hand wandered down my body I turn towards the naked form of Daenerys! "What are you doing?!" I whisper yell and she sits up making my eyes remain on her face as she's just naked. 

"You're my husband we need to consummate the marriage." She states and I hoped she would just fall asleep and forget about it. "You don't have to love me Artys, but we do have a duty." She states as she tries to lay her hand on my cheek making me lean my head back. 

"And this is that?" 

"Isn't it?" She says as she moves to sit up on her knees and moves closer towards me. "Don't tell me you've never just slept with a woman." She adds as I feel her hand move over my body and I don't even wish to speak with her about this a part of me wishes to not even bed her but it's my duty, many would kill me to get the chance to sleep with her and yet I wish I didn't have to. 

As she tries to touch my face again I now let her before moving to lay her down on the bed  I hover over her. As her eyes search mine she get's ready to lean up but I just hide my face in the crook of her neck as I let my hand move down between our bodies. 

The Next Morning. 

Standing on the wall as I overlook the camp that's slowly but surely waking up I let the cold air hit my skin, Winterfell is slowly waking up and yet I haven't closed one eye last night. I didn't even look at her, I didn't let her lips touch mine I just did my duty and that was that....... she fell asleep soon after that and I couldn't, so I got dressed again and I think I've been just here for hours upon hours now. 

"Surprised to see you awake, your grace." The voice of Lord Varys speaks as he moves to stand next to me. "I wish I could say sleep has been coming easy to me these last years." 

"Many things since we last saw each other, somethings can haunt a man forever." He says and I nod my head. "You send her to me because your afraid what she will do when my lords don't bend the knee to her." I say as I turn to him. 

"No need to deny it, you saw good in her and yet you also are afraid..... afraid that she will be like her father, like Viserys." I add. "And you wed her because you need her army and her dragons, marriages have been used an exchange for thousands of years." He speaks casually before he turns to look towards the large camp and I soon follow his line of sight. 

"I wed her because not only I needed her army or dragons the whole of Westeros needs them, if not we will all be part of the Night King's army.... I'm the one who made the sacrifice." I state as the sun continues to slowly move higher and higher. 

"You love another." He states and I keep my no emotion on my face. "Duty is the dead of Love, Lord Varys. I am wed now to her, she's my queen." I speak with no emotion as my eyes move over the tents where slowly more and more soldiers arise from. 

"You think all your Lords and Ladies will follow her?" 

"She's wed to me and I to her only dead can change that, if they follow me they follow her and that's that." I simply say before I see some of the soldiers who've been feeding the Falcons run over. 

"Your grace! the Falcons and the....... the dragons are fighting." One of them heavily breaths out and I quickly start to make my way down the stairs. First thing in the morning and I now have to deal with fighting dragons and falcons! 

Passing a half passed out Jace I grab him by his tunic and pull him up making his eyes snap open. "A-artys!?" 

"Go get Daenerys, she needs to calm down the dragons." I say and before he can even answer I start to run away again out of Winterfell and after the soldiers who came with the news, what a start of my morning. 

Author's Note, 

And another one! Vote and comment! 

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