Part 29

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Time Later, 

Riding over the road with Ser Barristan and Lord Yohn next to me I have to be honest and say that I've been thinking more about what they wish also because some keep bringing it up. I married Margaery for everything it could offer, I didn't love her at first but it came with time I started to love her for who she was not for her Houses Name or what it could bring me. And then she gave me a son and I never thought a person could love someone so much, it's like my whole body filled with love when I saw him, or I held him or when I simply just looked at him. 

They were taken from me and I know that the Lords, and even Lady Olenna will try to push me towards a new match and yet I don't know if I can. 

Coming to a stop on a hill I look towards the large and I mean large camp underneath while the siege has already begun as bolders fly into the Twins from the firing siege engines. 

Letting my eyes move over the river I let a hint of a smirk appear on my face as I see the other camp there with their siege engines.... only sieging The Twins from one side has no use. You need to siege if from both sides and even than it can take months if not years, good thing I don't want them alive. 

If we could get the gates open it's game over for them, we hold 10 times their numbers. But if they have enough archers and we get close enough they'll start shooting us down one by one.

You know thinking about the Eyrie and we took it with almost ease makes me tilt my head to the side as I look at the Twins in front of me, climbing picks.....night? Walking into the water and going from behind? 

They'll have all eyes on the camps, not on what's in the river.... at night. And if we don't completely destroy it I can one day give it to a man who was loyal to me? Its location is important, but can I see that and not the place where my friends, wife and son were butchered. 

Just looking at this river makes my stomach twist to know they threw their bodies into it. Just the thought of ever having to go in those halls where they killed them makes me want to burn the place down. 

"How long do you think the siege will last?" 

"Months your grace, the river makes it that they have fresh water and that they can fish for food, even it we shoot bolders the walls are thick." Ser Barristan says and I release a sigh. "He's right it can take months maybe even years, your grace." Lord Yohn asks and I shake my head. 

"Ready me 20 of our best men, it's a good thing we took the climbing picks with us I'm not going to be let that bastard have the joy of living months of years." 

Sansa's Pov, 

Cold, tired, sore, but at least I am out of that place. Theon he helped me escape but where do we go now....... if it wasn't for Brienne and Podrick we would have been dead now are they would have taken us back to Winterfell, I would rather die than spend one more day with that monster. 

Theon he left, he's not the boy we once knew. Ramsay broke him and with years he would have done the same things with me, he beat me, he raped me, he cut me and he took joy out of it. 

"Have you heard where Artys Arryn is Lady Brienne?" I ask the woman as we sit on top of the horses while I hold the cloak tightly around me. "Laying siege to the Twins the last we've heard. He still holds Stark men in his army, My Lady." She says and I nod my head slightly I could go to the Wall and find Jon, but what can Jon do for us to take back our home? 

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