Part 35

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Day's Later, 

I groan as I try to get out of the bed, feeling a sharp pain in my side where the spear pierced me. I would have died if not for my armor, but it still hurts like hell. I need to get some air and see the sun, I can't stand being cooped up in this room any longer. I push the door open and stagger out, ignoring the concerned looks of the two guards.

"Your grace, you should rest."

"I'm fine, Ser Lucas." I lie as I walk past them, hoping to escape Winterfell and breathe some fresh air.

I wish to be ready to ride out as soon as possible again, I still need a war to win. But yet what Jon said about The Night King it's been keeping my mind busy these last days, if what he says is true than I will have to turn my attention North and not South. We've all heard the stories of the Endless Night and the White Walkers. What if those stories are real, I think ever story has some form of truth in it..... but what if they are marching again and will start another Endless Night. 

Will this dammed war ever be over? North or South it doesn't matter a fight will come any way. Walking or more like stumbling into the great hall I soon have to stop my anger by the words that I hear. 

" I loved that girl like she was my own. She was good. She was kind. And you killed her!" Ser Davos loudly speaks towards the priestess with tears in his eyes. "So did her father. So did her mother. Her own blood knew it was the only way." She tries to justify as I move more into view while still holding my side. 

"The only way for what? They all died anyway! You told everyone Stannis was the one. You had him believing it, all of them fooled. And you lied." 

"You put a child on the stake? You murdered a child!" I bite her way in anger as her eyes now move towards me. "We do not hurt children! You took a child and murdered her!" I continue in anger as I step closer and closer towards the woman. 

"Sail to Essos and never return to my lands, if you do I'll take your head off." I say with a scoff before walking out of the Great Hall, murdered a child because her lord told her so....... if her lord wishes her to kill children than her lord is a cruel one and I wish no part of it.


Making my way out of Winterfell I search the sky for the form of Rigle while snow falls down. It's not easy to see a white falcon in the sno- never mind I can see a bunch of very and I mean very large Falcons fly down as they start to land around me. 

"And here I thought it was the blood loss." I mumble under my breath as I look at them, giant falcons ..... giant falcons who comes up with it! 

"Uhm hi? Can I help you all with something, if not thank you for helping us win the battle and I don't know what else to say to you?" I say as I look around me at the large beasts who are staring back at me. 

Seeing one of them drop something into the snow I let a frow settle on my face as I walk over to it, slowly kneeling down I soon let a sigh leaves my lips. 

"You were a good and loyal friend, Rigle." I say quietly as I hold his limp body close to me. He sacrificed himself for Rickon and me, distracting Ramsay long enough for us to escape. "Watch over them for me, will you? Until I can join them again. I trust you more than anyone else with that task." I whisper before I get up with Rigle's body in my arms.

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