Part 22

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Jace's Pov, 

Two Week's Later, 

Seeing Artys stare just at the land a sigh leaves my lips, he's a changed man and how can he not be. After what they've done to Queen Margaery and his son... their son. It's something no one should have ever been gone through.... if it wasn't for Artys I would still be living on the streets in King's Landing. 

I'm a bastard of a bastard of most likely another bastard..... my mother died when I was young, and I just traveled to King's Landing after that. I wished to be more.... to one day become a knight and yet I was poor, young and living on the street without ever have touched a sword.

And it all changed the day I met Artys, he was a high lord and yet he was kind to me, to  us...... he bought us food and I don't know we just started to speak and it never stopped after that. Or when he made me his squire.... everything changed after that. 

"Y-you did it! Y-you won from Jaime Lannister!"  I yell as I jump up and down as Artys walks back with his white mare. "AND YOU WERE KNIGHTED BY THE KING!" I now louder yell and he releases some laughter at that. 

"It seems like he di-" 

"Why are you acting so calm! You knocked Jaime fucking Lannister from his horse and onto his golden ass! AND YOU WERE KNIGHTED BY THE KING!" I say as I wave my hands around.... how can he be so calm about this! The only one who was younger than Artys to be knighted was Daemon Blackfyre! 

"We are called the Knights of the Vale for a reason many are knighte-" 

"Yeah but not so young! And not by the king!" I say as I cut him off and he shakes his head amused as he hitches his mare to the pole.  "Well you know every Knight has a squire right?" He says and I quickly nod my head. 

"Of course you'll have them lining up since your the future Lord of The Vale and all that shit." I say and he shakes his head as he looks me up and down. "Well maybe, but I wish for you to be my squire." He says and I think my eyes popped out as my jaw is laying in the dirt right now. 

"YOU WANT ME TO BE YOUR SQUIRE?!" I yell at the top of my lungs and I don't even care about the people looking at me right now like I lost it. Artys Arryn the Future Warden of the East and the second youngest knighted knigh ever wants to me to be his squire?! 

"Don't have to scream so loud." He says with a chuckle. "You want me, as in some random bastard to be your squire?" 

"I want my friend to be my squire if that's something that he wishes." He says and I quickly nod my head like some idiot most likely. 

"It would be my honor to be your squire, milord." I say teasingly towards the end with a bow making him shove me away before we both fall into a fit of laughter. "But it's a honor Artys, thank you." I say before he hands me some coins. 

"Well buy yourself a horse, a sword and some leather amor..... training starts in the morning." He says and I pull the armored up boy into a hug as I jump up and down. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" I yell as I kiss his cheek before he pushes me away from him with some laughter, 

"Now Go Jace." 

"Yes, Milord." 

Releasing a chuckle at the memory I see Ser Barristan make his way next to me as we both let our eyes follow after the frame of Artys. 

"Will he ever be the same, Ser?" 

"No he won't." He breaths out and how could he even be the same after what happened....... how could they have done something like that? To a woman.... and a child who were innocent, when Artys held Jon the love in his eyes could be seen from miles away, the smile on his face could light up the dankness.... he loved his son with everything he had and he loved Margaery and now he can never hold them again all because they were taken from him. 

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