Part 18

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Day's Later. 

"I wish I didn't have to leave." I softly say as I hold Jon in my arms as he's peacefully asleep. "You are leaving to take what's yours, what one day will be his..... when he's old enough he'll know that you fought for your right, for him. And also, he's too young to remember this." Margaery says and I give her a small nod. 

"He might not remember but I will. Are you sure you don't wish to go back to the Eyrie it will ease my mind." I say as I look at my wife who takes a seat on my knee as one of her arm wraps around my neck. 

"Artys..... we have the Northern army and the chosen men to keep us safe. And you and my father are riding out the eyes will be on your armies not on the one from the North." She says and I release a sigh. 

"I know but I just wish to keep you both safe, I never thought I could feel this.... this much love you know?" I say as I look back at Jon. "I know, one day he'll turn into a fine, good, smart and honorable man like his father." She says and I release a small chuckle. 

"We've already fucked no need for pretty words." 

"They are not pretty words, I say it because I love you." She says before pecking my lips making me smile into it. "I love you too." I say before some cooing sounds are being heard as Jon moves around. 

"And we love you too Little Prince." Margaery says as she looks down at our son with a smile. "A prince now is he? His father doesn't even have a crown yet." I say with some laughter making my wife give me a amused grin. 

"You don't? Ow did I forget to tell you come with me." She says as she gets up and takes my free hand as I stand up with Jon and walk after her out of the tent only to let my eyes soon widen as I think every lord has gathered with many and I mean many soldiers. 

Seeing two lines of soldiers lead a path towards where Robb, Mace and a septon stands I take a deep breath. "What's this." 

"Your coronation, Your grace." Margaery says as she let's go of my hand and takes Jon from me. "You're the King these people chose Artys, the King I chose." She says and I take a deep breath as I start to walk forward making the soldiers cross their swords as I walk by them. 

I've been to war, well I'm still fighting a war and I wish to end it soon. I wish to be able to lead Westeros better than Robert did I love the man but was he a good king? My father ruled more than the man on the Iron Throne did, I do not wish to be like that I wish to make a difference. To end the power the Lannister's think they hold, they think they stand above all. When the war ends many can go home again and I can enjoy my time with my wife and my son.... I have a son and I wish to spend all my time with him.

Hearing the sword move down as I move more and more to the end of the line I soon hear the voice of Robb loudly boom through the camp. 

"Brave people of the Vale! Of the North, The Riverlands and of the Reach! These months have been a time of war.... a time of choosing what is right and wrong! When King Robert Baratheon died.... he spoke the words to my father and to Ser Barristan that Artys of House Arryn would be his heir.... it was a sad day for Westeros that our King... our friend was taken from us but he knew that out of his dead a great man would arise. He has no blood claim to the Iron Throne, but he's my king from this day to the end of my days." Robb loudly speaks and I hear many start to cheer as I get down on my knees in front of the Septon. 

"May the Warrior give him courage. May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need. May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom." He speaks as he dips his thumb into a cup before putting touching my forehead, before I see Mace present him a crown that looks silver with blue rubies? 

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