Part 13

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Day's Later, 

Riding over the hill I soon let my eyes slightly widen. They came? They probably all probably heard by now I'm a traitor or whatever the Lannister's are saying right now, and yet they came. 

"They came?" 

"They answered their King's call, your grace." Ser Barristan says and I turn in his direction. "Ow please Ser don't call me that." I say with a shake of my head. 

"But your our king now Artys, Your Robert Baratheon's heir, and Westeros is now your by right." He speaks making me shake my head. 

"Do you think it will be worth it Ser? That in the end I will..... that I will be what he thought I would be when he named me his heir? That this.... this war will be worth it?" I ask him with a frown. 

"Robert Baratheon named a man his heir that wasn't his son, or his family. He did it because he knew you would be worth it, I've seen you grow up at court, your kind, just, strong, eager to learn, but also not afraid to make hard calls or go against those who hold more power than you if it means you stand up for those who can't do it for themselves. You're a good man Artys, and I would follow you into battle just like all those men down there." He says and I let my eyes move back down towards the camp before nudging Mist towards it. 

Tyrion's Pov, 

"You wished to see me." I simply say as I walk into the tent where my father is sitting. "Artys Arryn has rallied his banners they have gathered at the border." He speaks and I was to be expected. 

"What did you think would happen when he's named heir and Joffrey wants to put his head on a spike." I say as I try to fill my cup but he takes the wine away from me. "Joffrey is Roberts son, Artys is not...... I will not led my line... my legacy be removed from the Iron throne because a drunken fool signed some words when he was under influence of Milk of the Poppy." He says with a disgust at the thought of Joffrey not being on the Iron Throne.... or well not Joffrey he doesn't care about that he cares about that he can have power and that his blood rules.  

"Many times, people thought Artys was Joffrey since Robert always took to the boy....... does is truly come to a surprise that he named him his heir?" I state and if his look could kill right now I would be without a head. 

"It doesn't matter Tyrion, Joffrey is King not Artys." 

"The 40,000 men of the Vale don't think the same of that............ The Reach wed their most precious flower to him some months ago. What will happen when they also rally their banners and side with him.... I am no man of War but, The Vale, The North, The Reach against the Westerlands don't look like a fight we will win." 

"Robb Stark hasn't crossed the Trident yet, and once Artys Arryn's  is dealt with we will take his wife into custody than her family won't dare to take up arms against us." He speaks and I don't know how we're going to get out of this one. Robert named that boy his heir......... and he dragged us all into a war doing so. 

He loved that boy more than anything, many people thought Artys was his son because he always wished to have him around him, he sparred with that boy, he read! Robert Baratheon the Demon of the Trident used to read with that boy. To be honest it doesn't surprise me that much he named Artys his heir over Joffrey, has it ever been done before? No and he should have known this would put the whole realm into a war, but Robert wasn't the big drunken fool many thought he was..... he knew this could happen and he did it anyway, because he knew Artys Arryn was better to the realm than Joffrey, Tommen or even his younger brothers. 

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