Part 49

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Artys's Pov.
Some Day's Later, 

Seeing Loras speak with his father my eyes follow them, I know they swore to me but that was when Margaery was my wife and yet they came when I told them to march North. Most of the time I do not even know what to say to them, I failed her and little Jon I failed them in protecting her. 

And now I'm wed to another, to Daenerys Targaryen from all people... there is no love between me and her it feels like any moment now one of us is going to rip the other to shreds, the same with the Falcons and Dragons it feels like one of these days they are going to rip each other apart..... so now the Dragons are staying on the North side of Winterfell and the Falcon's on the south part. 

Wish I could do the same with me and my new wife, but I have to sleep next to her every night.... I have to wake up next to her and I have to bed her.  All in the name of duty, I can't look at her when it happens, I can't feel her lips against mine I just do what needs to be done and that's that. 

I've been ignoring Sansa like she's infested with Grey skin, from all the people who could have saw us in the library it had to be her, and I don't think she makes empty threats. I would never let her harm Sansa but it's maybe better to put some space between us. It's not what I wish but it hasn't mattered what I wish in that regard for some time now.  

Duty, god's I always knew that when my father passed and I would take over his titles I would have a duty to our people but this? I don't think I ever could have imagined it would come this far, that I would be so unhappy doing something I used to love taking care of my people making sure they get to be happy and healthy. 

"Your grace." A voice says and it pulls me out of my thoughts as I turn to look at Loras. "Ser Loras." I breathe out as he stands beside me. "I heard you've rewed." He simply says and I give him a nod. 

"Indeed I have." 

"What of Margaery?" 

"I loved your sister more than she probably knew, and our son...... I failed them, I couldn't protect and for that I hope that one day you can forgive me. But I had to rewed, but I will always keep your sister in my heart till the day I die and hope I can join her and Jon." I breathe out as I turn to look back at the camp. 

"She loved you, god's she couldn't stop speaking of her betrothed after you left Highgarden." He says with a small chuckle. "I could barely stop thinking about her after I've left. Gods and when she told me she was with child I don't think I've ever been that happy." I say with a hint of a smile as I think back to it. 

"She was stubborn, she knew the risks of leaving the Eyrie...... you weren't to blame, and you avenged them." He says just above a whisper. "I wished I could have protected her, that I just had her be taking back to the Eyrie even if I had to drag her there myself." I say and it pulls some laughter from him.

"Once she had her mind on something it wouldn't be changed even if you had dragged her there." He says with some laughter that I soon join him in. "She was one stubborn woman." 

"That she was indeed." He now says softer as out laughter dies down and we just stare at the camp together as the sun continues to start to shine higher and higher. 


Petting the beak of one of the falcons I soon hear the others begin to cry as a large shadow fly over me and I look up to see the dragons flying there. Seeing Drogon get ready to land I shake my head, we said we would keep them apart and yet here they are! 

Once the large feet of Drogon hit the snow I see the form of Daenerys sit on top of him making me raise my brow at her. "Well climb on." She says and I turn back towards the falcon before climbing on it and carefully grabbing it's feathers, I would rather not pull them out. 

"Try to keep up," I call out with a grin, the wind already tugging at my clothes as the falcon leaps into the air. Its wings beat a rapid tempo, slicing through the sky with practiced ease. I can't help but laugh, the sound lost to the rush of air and the thrill of the chase. Then, there's a deeper sound, a powerful thrum that vibrates through my very bones. Drogon's massive wings unfurl, and with a mighty leap, the dragon surges into the sky after us. The world below becomes a blur as we ascend, and I feel alive in a way that only flight can grant.

Flying ahead, I glance back to see Drogon straining to match my pace. Despite his mighty wings, he lags behind the swift falcon that effortlessly cuts through the crisp air. Below us, the North stretches out in a vast expanse of snow and ice, a white blanket draped over the land. As we approach Winterfell, the ancient stronghold stands proud and defiant against the stark landscape, its grey stones a silent testament to the resilience of those who dwell within.

When I see a canyon come into view I let a smile grow on my face as I see the earth open up and the Falcon knows what I want. With a sharp cry, the falcon tilts its wings, and we begin our descent. The world rushes up to meet us, and I can't help but let out a whoop of joy. The wind buffets us, cold and invigorating, whipping through my hair and turning it into icy tendrils. But the chill is a small price to pay for the rush of speed, for the feeling of being alive that courses through me as we dive faster and faster towards the earth. It's a dance with nature, a moment of pure freedom that I never want to end.

Reaching the end of the canyon I see the earth flat out again as a waterfall comes into view and I direct the falcon over towards it while I still hear Drogon's large wings flap behind us as he tries to keep up. When the falcon flies down again soon he lands on the snow and I let my eyes move towards Drogon who's now just flying out of the canyon and makes it's way over to here. 

Dismounting the falcon I let my hand move over it's feathers as Drogon lands and Daenerys soon also climbs down. "Took you long enough." I say with a smirk making her shake her head amused as she walks closer to me. 

"And I thought the dragons where fast." She says and I shrug  my shoulders. "Falcons are the fastest animal in their normal size, in this size with bigger wings they are even faster." I say making the Falcon chipper as it leans his head against my shoulder. 

"How did you get them? I've never heard of falcons this size?" 

"The Battle of Winterfell, they just showed up and didn't leave after that." I say simply as I continue to pet the falcon next to me. "And you haven't named them?" 

"I can barely keep them apart so far." I say sparking some laughter between the two of us for the first time ever. "You'll get there." She says and I nod my head. 

"I used to have a falcon, white like these ones but a normal size. I found him one day young and barely alive, fed it and got it back to it's strength. After that he never left and he became my companion." I say as I look at the large one next to me. 

"What was his name?" 

"Rigle, he died in the battle of Winterfell as he probably saved me and Rickon Stark." I say with a heavy breath. "We should probably head back before they start looking for us." I say as I mount the Falcon again and quickly take off. 

Daenerys's Pov, 

Seeing the white Falcon take off with Artys on top of it I start to walk back over to Drogon I think this was the first time we talked without insulting the other or storming off in anger. The lords still mostly look at me with disgust and so does Sansa, I do not know how to change it but it has to change..... I'm here to break the weel to make their lives better. 

They will accept me one way or another, because I am their Rightful Queen.... I was born to lead over them and sit on the Iron Throne. 

Climbing on top of Drogon again he soon takes flight as we start to make our way after Artys and the falcon in the distance. 

Author's Note............

And another one! Vote and comment! 

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