Part 2

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Artys's Pov, 

Walking towards a tavern I shake my head as I see Jace laying half passed out, making my way over to him I squad down and smack his cheek lightly. 

"What!? Ow my lord I-I uhm." He almost slurs out as I stand up and he's quick to try to stand up as he almost falls over and I pull him back by his leather vest so the fool doesn't fall into dirt. "You where what?" I ask him with a raised brow as I let his vest go. 

"I was just waiting for you." 

"Waiting with your lips to a cup of ale?" I counter as I start to walk away from him and he's quick to fall in pace with me. "I-I uhm sorry, my lord. The Knights have settled into the tower of the Hand like the King wished." He says and I look towards him with a small frow. 

"I am not hand of the King." 

"No, my lord. But the King insisted on it also since the tower is empty for now." He speaks and I take a deep breath. "Don't get to comfortable in King's Landing, Jace. We will ride out for Highgarden in a couple days." I say as I look at him from the corner of my eye. 

"I know, we are going to meet your wif-" 

"That is if her father agrees to let her wed me, if not that we made the journey to Highgarden for nothing." I speak as I cut him off with a shake of my head. 

"Ow come on what's not to like, your handsome, the youngest knight in history well if we leave Daemon Blackfyre out but he won in a squires tourney you won from Jaime fucking Lannister! You are Lord of the Eyrie and Warden of the East they would be stupid to not agree, also your handsome." He says as he waves his hands around and I can't stop the chuckle that leaves my lips. 

"You've already said that Jace, but there are many things one might not agree. If he can get a better match for her than he may take that." I say as we walk towards the Tower of the Hand together. 

"But who could be a better match than you?" 

"Joffrey? He's a prince after all and next in line for the Iron Throne. Robb Stark is the same age as me and to be Warden of the North." I simply say as those are the two I can think off so quickly. "First of all your already Warden of The East like yes I'm sad your father passed away, but now his titles are yours.  Second of all I feel sorry for the one who has to marry the cat killer, and The North? It's cold out there.... a rose won't grow there." He says and I shake my head. 

"Winter Roses do...... also how good will a rose grow on a mountain?" I say making the boy open his mouth but no words come out for a couple of seconds making a smile set on my lips. 

"Aren't winter roses blue?! Well Tyrell's are golden roses so who knows and some flowers do grow on mountains....... also why would Mace Tyrell invite you only to then decline your offer?" He says and I shake my head. 

"It's not Mace Tyrell I'm worried about, it's his mother." 

That Night. 

Overlooking the shit smelling city from the balcony I take a deep breathe, there was nothing really in the chamber I think most Lysa already took with her when she rode back to the Eyrie with Robin. I am not close with her and I am not close with Robin, he doesn't feel like my family we grew up differently. She mostly always kept him away from me, and I do not mind, to be honest I have no desire to spend time with the boy he turnend into. 

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