Part 19

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Time Later, 

The journey took longer than we wished it to take since we've had to deal with some bands of Lannister Soldiers that where still terrorizing the Riverlands, but I have to stop the smile from forming on my face as I see the city of King's Landing come into view. 

"The last time I was here for my father's dead.... now I am here to claim the Iron Throne." I speak to Ser Barristan and Lord Yohn who are either side of me. "He would be proud of you, your grace." Lord Yohn speaks making a deep breath leave my lips. 

"Set up camp." I say as I nudge Mist away from them, I've heard word that Hoster Tully had passed and that Robb rode out to be at his funeral, it was his grandfather after all. I've also heard that Lord Karstark killed two Lannister boys and in echange Robb took his head off making the Karstarks now march home. 

Robb he's a good man and my friend but he's also a bloody fool! Sometimes honor and foolishness is a thin line, he should have made Lord Karstark his prisoner.... I'm not saying killing two boys is right and the reason for why it was done is stupid.... they died for something Jaime did..... and yet he should have not taken the man's head. Sometimes we get consumed by anger and we may do things we do not wish to do..... but he's messed it up with Walder Frey, the Karstarks, his mother let Jaime go it's like he wishes to lose this war. 

Looking up towards the sky I soon tilt my head to the side..... something is going to happen, something dark... something that's almost unspeakable. Lord Mace is keeping the Dornish back but that won't stop the fact that they have men in the city. 

Tyrion's Pov, 

Standing on the wall I see the large cavalry force put their tents up out of distance of our archers and I take a deep breath. "Don't worry soon they'll be gone again." Father speaks making me turn towards him with a raised brow. 

"He doesn't look like he wishes to leave I think." I say and he has a hint of a smile on his face. "Did you know Artys fathered a child?" He asks me and I look at him with surprise. "Lady Margaery had a child?" 

"They speak of a boy blonde of hair and blue eyes, Jon Arryn the son of King Artys Arryn." He says and no I didn't know Artys fathered a child. "In a couple of days they'll be gone again." He speaks before simply walking away. 

He holds twice our numbers and yet he speaks of them turning around, he speaks as if Artys does not hold Tommen. Artys always loved Tommen like a little brother so I am not worried for his safety but still the boy is with him and not here. Joffrey will never trade for Tommen even if Cersei spoke with him about it often time but who do we hold to give Artys? 

If my father thinks he's simply going to leave I think someone may have slipped him something in his wine this morning. He's not going to turn his army now around and for what? His wife and Son will be protected. 


Margaery's Pov, 

"I know I miss your father too." I softly say to Jon as I hold him in my arms while Edmure has been being wed to one of the Frey's and we are now enjoying the feast. Robb he's a good man but he's foolish in many things, we are right now to make peace with Walder Frey so his men will replace the men that he lost when he took Lord Karstarks head..... I can't blame a man for his rage..... it's a thing we all have but like Artys I don't know he thinks more about things.

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