Part 23

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Artys's Pov, 
Some Days 

"Are you sure they won't open the gate when they know it's you?" 

"Are we sure they won't shoot me and then drag my body to King's Landing." I counter as I look at Ser Barristan while we stare at the Bloody Gate in the distance. "I'll take good men with me and we climb." 

"But your grace couldn't another do it what if you fall?" 

"If I don't climb for my home, for what's mine why would any of these men do and if I fall I will be reunited with my wife and my son." I say before walking away from him and towards the 9 soldiers who will climb with me including Ser Vardis. 

"The climb will be long and not easy, if any of  you wishes not to do it than now's the time to speak of it... when we are up there there's no turning back. I will not hold it against any of you if you do not wish to make the climb." I speak as I look at the men who hold climbing picks and a rope around their stomachs. 

"You are our king, and the Eyrie belongs to you, not Lady Lysa.... we will climb and fight with you, your grace. It's an honor you chose us." One of them speaks and I give him a small nod. "We stand with you this day and till the end of our days, Your grace." Ser Vardis speaks as I begin to tie the rope around myself. 

"Wait can't I come? Your grace." Jace says as he walks quickly over with Tommen, and I shake my head. "No you stay here with Tommen and Ser Barristan." I say before we start to walk away from them as I take the climbing picks from one of the soldiers. 


"No but's Jace you're my squire and I'm telling you to stay here and watch Tommen with Ser Barristan.. we'll be back soon." I say as I'm quick to cut him off making the younger boy release a sigh before he takes a step back while I turn around and start to walk again towards where we will climb up the mountain to the Eyrie.


Shoving the pick again into the stone I look up towards the Castle, we still have some time to go we've been climbing for hours upon hours and yet we can't stop not yet. We started climbing when Night fell and yet the sun is starting to slowly rise. 

I feel my body weakening, my arms aching, the men losing their strength. But we cannot give up, not now... not after everything. I wake up in the morning and wonder if this is all worth it... my son and my wife perished in this war there are people who have no honor. But if I let myself fall now... if I stop now, their deaths will be meaningless.

As I knock his sword out of his hand and it lands some feet away. I quickly press the point of my blade against his belly. "You're not as young as you used to be, your grace." I tease him with a smile on my lips. Robert's eyes flicker from my sword to his that's lying in the dirt.

"Disarming a man and killing a man are different things, to see the fear in their eyes, the smell of shit and piss before that light leaves their eyes." He speaks with  a raised brow as he beckons his squire over and grabs the cup of wine. 

"I don't wish to kill anyone." I say with a small frow making him release some laughter as his eyes bore into mine now. "You may not wish it, but you'll be good at it sometimes you have to kill.... not even a Lord will be able to cow-" 

"I don't lack courage, I just want to avoid such a situation." I interrupt him. "Maybe so, Artys, but I didn't choose to be King or to wage war either... and yet it happened. This world is full of men who act without considering the consequences. of their actions." He says as he grabs another cup of wine and thrusts it into my hand.

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