Part 25

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Artys's Pov, 

Standing in the High Hall in front of the 'throne' I look at the many faces of the Lords of the Vale and some of the men of the North who Robb let me take with me to King's Landing. We need to ride out again, I can not stay here much longer I can't sleep in my bed.... in our bed even if we didn't share it for long I just can't.... not yet and maybe never. 

"When I look around this hall I look at faces of men who just like me are tired.... tired of war and yet filled with a fire to keep fighting. That fire within us makes us keep going, it makes us keep fighting..... and the ones who lighted that fire will pay for it..... The Frey's took Robb Stark his mother and his brave men into their home and then killed them they butchered them! They took my wife ..... your Queen and our son and murdered them! The Frey's and the Bolton's will pay for what they've done...... we will march for them and show them what happens when you betray us.... what happens when you kill innocent women and a child! We will avenge the Red Wedding! We will free Winterfell from the Bolton's and once we've done all of that when the Lannister's know they messed with the wrong men because we are brave men of the Vale and The North we will march south again and remove the second Mad King from the Throne Robert Baratheon gave to me." I loudly speak as I look around me at the people that sit on the tables. 

"Our fire's will keep burning until the Red Wedding is avenged until your Queen and Prince are avenged, until the Starks are avenged. So are you with me! Will you ride out with me, will you stand by my side and fight.... fight for those who've been taking from us! We will not give them mercy.... the guilty will die for their crimes and it doesn't matter if it's a Lord, Prince, King, Queen in the words of House Baratheon Ours is the Furry! And we will show them we have Furry and that unlike them we don't have to lose our honor by killing the innocent!" I loudly say making them all begin to cheer as they get up and pull their swords out while pointing them upwards. 

"War does not give you the right to slaughter your guests, or women and children! So tonight, rest well and feast. Eat your fill and drink to your hearts' content, because in the morning we will prepare to ride out again and show these cowards that we are brave men, honorable men, not beasts!"

Sansa Stark's Pov, 

Looking out of the window I take a deep breath, I've been sold off, raped, cut, my family is dead. And I have to be here with that.... that monster every day, the Bolton's are on edge since Artys took back the Eyrie and executed Peter and Aunt Lysa...... she was mad in the short time I was there, she always accused me of loving Little Finger and that he loved me. He kissed me and I let him because what could I have done? He got me out of King's Landing if it wasn't for him I still would have been in the hands of the Lannister's. 

I'm not sure Ramsay is better, Joffrey most of his abuse was to the mind he wishes to break me mentally and with Ramsay it's both he hurts my body.... he forces himself onto me and made Theon watch. How can a man do that? Who am I trying to fool I heard what they did at the Red Wedding how they put Greywind's head on Robb's body.... how they threw my mother's body into the river... how they took Queen Margaery and made her watch how they killed her baby before they killed her and threw the both of them into the river. 

The first time I saw Artys he looked like a prince all the girls dreamed about and many did even those in King's Landing remembered him, but he was also nice and kind something I think they now took from him he has honor something many don't have in this world. 

I'm home and yet Winterfell doesn't feel like home right now, I wonder if it will ever feel like home again. If I will die by the man who's my husband or if I can hope to get out of here. Get out of here and then what? Ramsay will never let me go.... he'll always try to dig his hands deeper and deeper into my skin to keep me here as his toy that's all I am to him... not his wife but his toy. 

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