Part 45

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Time Later, 

Seeing Winterfell and the many and I mean many tents come into view I raise my head high as Daenerys rides next to me, I wish I could still turn around and not have to look at Sansa when she sees me ride into the gates with my new Queen.... A queen I do not wish to have and yet I have to for duty. 

Duty and Love things that can make any may or woman step away from the other, I can step away from my duty and be with Sansa but that would throw chaos over Westeros even more my lords won't follow Daenerys and I'm afraid of what she'll do when they do not wish to bend the Knee for her...... We need her armies and her dragons. I step away from what could have been love and get all those things, my lords are safe from Dragon fire..... we can stop the Night King and we can take Joffrey off of a throne that isn't his. 

The Northerners seem less than happy to see Daenerys but they cheer for me, not sure if that will make the Dragon Queen Claimant next to me happy. But soon a smirk appears on the woman's face as the dragons fly overhead and the people duck down in fear, so she thinks it's amusing when they are in fear? Good to know. 

Also where the hell where these dragons when the Iron Fleet showed up would have been nice if she BURNEND THEIR SHIPS DOWN! No there was no dragon to see and I got a arrow in my stomach for it.... it's just something about the woman next to me that get's me going!

"Your grace!" A girl yells with laughter as she runs over and I let a smile grow on my face as I lift her onto Mist, she's no older than 6. "Well look what we have here a scary Northerner." I say making some giggles leave her lips. 

"Father told me the story of Artys Arryn the first King of Mountain and Vale and that he was the Winged Knight!" She says with excitement as she waves her hands around. "And they said that you are the Winged King! That you will defeat the Night King and his army with your falcons, father said there has been no braver men than you and he fought with Robert Baratheon and Lord Eddard Stark on the Trident!" She continues and it makes a small smile settle on my face. 

"Mother says your never scared." 

"Being brave doesn't mean your not scared, it means you are scared sometimes even so scared you feel like your legs won't move but you still do the right thing.... that's what it means to be brave little one." I say with a smile and she seems to think about my words for a couple of seconds. 

"So it's oke to be scared?" 

"It's always oke to be scared, I'll tell you a little secret but you can't tell anyone else." I say and she quickly nods her head. "I promise, your grace!" 

"I'm sometimes scared, and that's alright because I know that those are the moments to be brave in." I say and she let's a smile grow on her face. "I won't tell anyone, your grace." She whispers and I release a chuckle. 

"Well that's good little one, now go back to your parents and don't get into any trouble. Oke?" I say as I carefully put her down Mist again. "I promise!" She yells as she starts to run back towards where her parents are. 


Riding onto the courtyard of Winterfell I soon have to stop the suprise from taking over me as I see Robin stand there with the other lords and ladies including Mace Tyrell who's arrived with part of his army, and another is still marching North. 

Dismounting Mist I step over to Daenerys and help her dismount before I walk over to the large group of people who are bowed down. "I hope everything has been going well." 

"Yes your grace, we are ready for battle but the dead?" Lord Mace says and I nod my head. "Indeed the dead, my lord." I say as they all stand up straight again and before I know it a body collides with mine making a grunt leave my lips. 

"I-I'm sorry, can you ever forgive me." Robin says and I look the boy or more like the almost man over. "There's nothing to forgive." I say with a small smile as he looks up and what the hell happened to him! Did Lysa like keep him a child with her milk?! He's like starting to look like a man! 

"Now step back you're giving us Arryn's a bad name." I mumble with a smile making a breathless chuckle leave his lips as he stands back. 

"Sansa Stark the Lady of Winterfell with her younger brother Rickon and half-brother Jon Snow." I say as I introduce them and if looks could kill there would be one extra person to the Night's King's army right now. 

"Thank you for inviting us into your home Lady Stark, the North is as beautiful as Artys spoke off as are you." Daenerys says with a sweet smile while Sansa still looks ready to add the women to the Night King's army. 

"Winterfell is yours, your grace." Sansa says as she looks at me and I give her a small nod. "We don't have time for this." A voice says and I look towards Bran? wait he's still alive?! I've never met the boy well he's not really a boy anymore but he sounds so..... so yeah I don't know. 

"The Promised one has arisen and the wall will soon fall, with that the Night King and his army will march south." He continues and it settles a frown on my face. "When will the wall fall?" I ask him. 

"Soon." He says and what am I supposed to do with that answer! Soon! Soon he says what's that king of answer! 

"Jace makes sure the Dragon Glass get's handled with care, Tommen make sure the men are setting up camp. Time to come up with a plan." I say to the two boys who give me a small bow before I start to walk towards the Great Hall. 


Sitting next to Jon and the chair next to me is empty because Daenerys is standing I run my hand through my hair. 

"We've been having all the people North of Winterfell retreat to here, as you wished your grace." Sansa starts and I give her a nod, that's good. 

"Lord Umber, when can we expect your people to arrive." She now says a little louder making the young Umber boy move forward before he stands up. 

"We need more horses and wagons if it pleases, my lady." He speaks as he looks at Sansa before turning to Jon. "And my lord." He adds and I let a hint of a smile grow on my face before he turns towards me. 

"And your grace. Sorry." 

"You'll have as many as we can spare, hurry back to Last Heart and bring your people here." Sansa speaks and he gives her a small bow before he moves to sit down again. "Also send Ravens to the Night's watch and let them retreat to here if the wall is going to fall there is no use for them to stay there." I speak making the Maester bow. 

"As you wish, Your grace." He speaks before walking off and I see Lady Mormont get up, here we go. 

"The Winged King we named you, and now you return with the Dragon Queen." She speaks as Daenerys sits down next to me. "Indeed I did, My Lady." 

"So are you King or are you just a lord now because I'm not sure." She says and I move to stand up. "Am I your King." I loudly ask making some begin to mutter under one another. 

"Am I your king or not?" I loudly speak once again and they all yell yes. "I am your king from the day Robert Baratheon died and he named me his heir till the day the air leaves my lungs, but a king needs a queen..... he needs an heir so that his legacy will not die down. I have a duty not to just myself.......but to you Lady Mormont to your people to all of your people and to all of the people of Westeros even those who fight on the other side.  So, I could hold my father's Rebellion and Roberts close to my heart or I could choose a Queen whose freed thousands of people in Essos who will help us defeat the Night King and his army who will make sure that our children's children and their children will hear the story of how we defeated the Night King!" I loudly speak as I look around me. 

"We've brought together the largest army this world has ever seen from the brave men of The Reach!" I say as I point towards the Reach Lords who cheer. "The those who's honor is as high as the sky!" I continue as I point towards the ones of the Vale. 

"To the men of the Riverland who are fighting here for their Families! Their Duty and because of Honor!" 

"From the brave men and women of the North because Winter is here!" I add and now the whole hall has stood up as they are cheering. 

"It's here but we will end Winter and bring the Summer back!" 

Author's Note, 

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