Part 54

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Artys's Pov, 

Standing up slowly as I use my sword to put my weight on I look around me and just see, dead. They've completely overrun us and the men on the walls have lit up the trenches to keep them away for now as the Dothraki and archers are shooting them down, but it may not be enough. 

Letting my eyes move over the sky I see Daenerys on top of Drogon as he continues to breathe his flames down and I quickly slash backwards as I heard the steps coming closer only to see more and more of the dead walk over to me. 

Moving through them as I slash and stab at any of them as they just keep coming towards me soon some cries fill the skies as the Falcon's dive down and pick up the dead as they throw them away while one of them lands beside me and I climb on as ignore the pain in my body right now. 

As it pushes it body off of the ground I let my eyes dart around the chaos below when I gaze upon just the dead walking into the trench as their body's slightly start to pile up until my eyes widen as they are able to walk over it and start to run to the walls of Winterfell. 

"Get me onto the wall!" I say to the bird who releases a cry as it starts to dive down towards the wall while the dead are just pilling up as they try to make their way onto it. Seeing the men on the wall try to keep their posts I jump down the few feet before the falcon flies off again to where the Dragon Glass shards lay for them to drop as I stab the dead that tries to come onto the wall. 

"Get the tar!" I yell as I defend my position on the wall as soldiers are starting to run towards the jars of tar that are placed along the wall before they start to throw them down on the never ending army down below us. 

Swinging my sword the head flies off before I quickly grab the torch and throw it down making a sea of flames erupt as I take some steps back.  "Shoot them down!" I yell towards the archers who now move closer to the edge of the wall again as they start to shoot their dragon glass and flaming arrows down before my head snaps around as one of the gates practically flies open and my eyes widen as I see the three giants run in towards Lady Mormont who stands there with her men and Robin. 

"No." I say as I start to push my way past the men and towards the stairs as the Giants swing their massive clubs around at the Mormont soldiers who fly in all kind of direction as Robin also flies away and I take a deep breath as I jump off of the wall and slam my sword into one of the giants who releases a loud roar like cry before he begins to fall down towards the ground. 

Once it's body falls forward I pull my sword out only to see one of the giants holding Robin and Lady Mormont in it's massive hands while the other one let's his blue eye fall on me as he starts to swing as me with his club and I try to dodge all of his attacks before I fall back and hit the ground hard making my vision briefly darkens as the sounds of the battle seem to fade away for a couple of seconds before I am barely able to roll to the side as the club slams into the ground where I was just laying. 

Jumping up I dodge the swing attack again as I move to the side and slice the Giants leg with my blade making him roar as he slightly falls down on one knee making me now slam my sword into it's eye before it falls to the ground and I quickly run past it to let my eyes widen as I see the dead giant laying there with Robin and Lady Mormont on the ground.

"No, no, no," I repeat, the words falling from my lips in a desperate whisper as I sprint across the battlefield. My sword clatters to the earth, forgotten in my haste to reach Robin's side. Cradling his still form in my arms, I feel the hot sting of tears threatening to spill over. Grief washes over me in relentless waves as I hold him close, wishing for a miracle that I know will not come.

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