Part 41

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Artys's Pov, 

Seeing the carts of Dragon Glass being put on the ships as I stand on the beach I soon hear a voice. "Have you ever seen one?" 

"Have I ever seen a what?" 

"A White Walker or a dead." Daenerys asks and I take a deep breath. "No." 

"No? So your letting all of my men march North for something that may not be real." She says with a bite and a disbelief making me turn to look at her. "I believe the words of the men I spoke to, something is happening North don't you see feel it in the air? It's getting worse." I speak and she looks at me like I'm losing my mind. 

"The air? You're making us all march north because of the air." She says with a shake of her head. "Those where my terms that you agreed to, you don't have to believe me but we are marching North one way or another. There's so many things in this world, dragons, Falcons the size of those, blood magic, so many things and yet you don't believe that there is something North that wishes for all of our deaths." I simply say with a raised brow. 

"I know what I agreed to, I just don't understand why you would rather march North than to King's Landing." 

"Because if we don't win in the North there won't be a King's Landing left, even if we do not sit on the Throne doesn't mean we don't have a duty to the people of Westeros even those who don't follow us."  

"And what's stopping the Lannister's from using this chance?" 

"How many lands do you own in Westeros? How many Lords with lands are loyal to you? The Greyjoy's who are on the run for their uncle hold no lands..... and there is nothing for Joffrey to gain at Dragonstone I've pulled half of my men back towards the North and the other half will be able to defend their lands and keep the Dornish and Lannister's in their own lands for now." I say with a bite to it before a sigh leaves my lips. 

"I've thought about this oke, your soldiers are not from here so they don't have to defend their lands or homes, mine do have wife's here and children and lands that they need to protect so I pulled North what I could pull North." I now say with a softer tone as I briefly look at her. "And after that? After we defeat the Night King?" She asks me and I look back towards the ships. 

"We march for King's Landing and put an end to this war because I'm tired of fighting, after that we do our duty and rule." I say as my eyes move over the different Banners on the ships.  "You almost sound as if you have no desire for the Iron Throne anymore." 

"I've never had a desire for the Iron Throne maybe that's why Robert named me heir because he knew I would hate it but that I would honor his words and do what's best for the Realm. Even if I was not around do you truly believe people would side with you?" I state as I look at the woman beside me who looks at me with a emotionless face. 

"There are those who fought the usurper during the Rebelion." 

"His name was Robert Baratheon, and if your brother would have not taken Lyanna Stark.... if your father would not have plainly executed Brandon and Rickon Stark if he would have disciplined his son who broke his vows and took a woman and then order for my father to take the heads of his wards the Rebelion would not have happenend..... you can put the blame all you want with Robert, Eddard Stark or even my father but what happened was a reaction of people who were sick of your family's madness." I begin as I look her dead in the eye and I see her getting angry at my words while I'm getting angry at just her! 

"Now you're here with three dragons and an army of people that don't belong here, and you truly believe that people would follow you? Do you know why my men follow me? Because I'm a bloody fool who climbed up the Eyrie to take back my home! I stoon on a battlefield with my hammer while hundreds if not thousands of riders where charging at me and I stood there......... I stood there and I was ready to die for everyman that was standing behind me. I fight with them, I bleed with them and if needed I would die with them, I grew up in these lands I know the Lords and Ladies and they know me. You should have stayed in Essos you did something good there and you could have continued it but now here you are to claim a Throne that was never yours or Viserys." I continue in anger as I hear the dragons roar overhead and the Falcon's cry as shadows fly over us. 

"Robert took the Iron Throne when he killed Rhaegar at the Trident his line would inherit the Iron Throne not the one of the Mad King and you are willing to scream from every castle that your not like him maybe you are Rhaegar went mad taking a women, Viserys was a mad fool everyone heard of the Beggar King so what will it be fo-" I continue before I'm cut off by a slap against my cheek making one of the Falcons fly down and land beside me as it screeches at Daenerys. 

"Do not speak to me like you know me, like you know what I've been through." She says in anger as the large black dragon lands beside her and it feels like a starring contest right now. 

Tyrion's Pov, 

Looking towards the beach I see Daenerys and Artys in a starring contest as one of the falcons has landed beside him while Drogon has landed slightly behind Daenerys and the other dragons and falcons are circling above them.

"Do you know that Falcons are very aggressive, especially when it comes to those who wish to invade it's territory." The voice of Tommen says and I turn towards the boy that's turning into a man. "And the dragon wishes to invade his territory." I simply say and he shrugs his shoulders. 

"It does." 

"The Iron Throne belonged to her father, and she's freed millions of people in Essos who love her." I say and he turns in my direction. "Than she should have stayed in Essos, do you know why I follow Artys? Why many follow Artys? Not because father named him his heir, but because he's a honorable man, he's brave and when there is a fight he'll ride in the front and not stand somewhere safely....... he believes that a low born has just as much as a voice as a highborn, I don't care that he's not my father's son he's the King I would follow into any battle." Tommen says proudly and I nod my head. 

"Maybe and many think that of her too, they'll unite the realm together." 

"Seems like they are having trouble not clawing the other's throat out." Tommen says as Daenerys and Artys are still in a staring contest, and I think the whole of Dragon Stone can feel the tension between the Arryn and the Targaryen. "They'll get there." I say and I'm not sure if I'm trying to convince him more or myself. 

"He'll do what's best for his people even if that means wedding her." 

"Have you always been this smart or did Artys influence get to you over the years." I ask Tommen who let's a smile grow on his face. "I'm glad father let me be Artys's ward, I wish to be like him one day." 

"Even after what he did to Jaime?" I say and he releases a small scoff. "Jaime broke his vows many times, when he fathered children, I've heard the rumors and I know that Robert wasn't my real father.  You think I wish to be like grandfather? Who ordered the murder of a innocent child and woman? If that's what it means to be a Lannister I don't wish to be one." He says before walking away from me and I can't stop the small smile as I look after him. 

He's turning into a good and fine man, Robert did good by letting Tommen become Artys's ward. He's not that sweet, innocent boy anymore... he's turning into a strong, brave and honorable man. Something that he's learned form the man that shakes his head now as Daenerys practically stomps away from him. 

They are doing this out of duty but it would help them and Westeros is they can at least find some common ground. If not, it would create even more tension on both sides, Artys doesn't have a counsel because they all would have been against him being here they don't forget what happened in the past and they won't when we go North..... they need to stand together one wat or another otherwise it will become one big mess when we reach Winterfell. 

Authors note. 

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