Part 28.

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Some Day's Later, 

Artys's Pov, 

Passing the guards as I open the door I soon walk into the chamber as I have a little limp from the still healing wounds on my stomach. I don't wish to drink much Milk of the Poppy it clouds my mind, I've sent out a large part of my army to relief Riverrun from the Frey and Lannister army that's besieging it and after that they'll march to the Frey's and set up camp so we can besiege it.... or well I'm not going to siege it I'm going to level it with the ground. 

"Robin." I say as the boy looks out of his window before his head snaps in my direction with surprise and fear. "Y-your alive? Y-you can't hurt me! I'm Lord of the Vale mother and uncle Petyr sai-" he yells my way before I cut him off. 

"I'm not going to hurt you, I never would have hurt you." I say with a shake of my head as I walk further in and he steps back with every step I take forward until he hits the wall behind him. 

"Petyr and your mother told lies Robin, I never would have harmed you we are family." I say as I sit down on a chair by the table. "No! Mother doesn't lie you lie and you killed her! You killed her and Uncle Petyr!" 

"You don't have to believe me Robin, but your mother and Petyr went behind my back while they knew what would happen for their treason. They worked with the people who murdered Margaery and Jon......... they tried to take my home from me. We don't share the same mother Robin, but we share the same father, you are my brother and maybe it's time I will treat you like that more." I say as I look at him. 

"Not like you ever tried before." He mumbles under his breath making me raise my brow. "I tried for years, your mother never wished me close. I wanted to teach you how to hold a sword, I wanted to help you learn things, I wanted and yet your mother always looked at me with hate and disgust whenever I got close." 

"We are all that is left Robin, and yet I did what I needed to do or what I thought I needed to do but I would never hurt you." I continue as I get up again and start making my way towards the door with a sigh. 

 "I will ride out soon again when my wounds are healed, I wish that after this dam war we can become brothers Robin. If not that's your discission and I'll respect that, it's time you learn how to be a man and make your own decisions. You're not a prisoner, and if you wish someone will train you how to wield a sword, it's time you become a man." I finish as I open the door before walking out of his chamber. 


"Ow you bloody fool! How I've missed your face!" Jace loudly says with open arms as he barges into my chamber while the Maester just checked the wounds. "Wish I could say the same." I counter as I look at him and he dramatically puts his hand over his chest while a gasp leaves his lips. 

"You hurt me with your words, your grace." He says and I roll my eyes before looking towards the Maester. "How long before I can ride out?" 

"A fortnight, your grace." He says and I can't stop the groan that left my lips, I don't have a fortnight I want this bloody war to end. Tywin is dead and that leaves the Lannister's without their cunning monster to lead them. But I can't fight war's on too many fronts the Dornish are still trying to march into the Stormlands, but they are being held back by Mace Tyrell and part of his army while the other part is guarding their lands. 

The Westerlands are rich yes, but The Reach? Holds food, gold, and more food that is what's needed in these times of war to feed the people and soldiers. And it has Dorne to the South, The Westerlands to the West and The Crownlands to the east, they need to protect their lands before they try to take the food and gold The Reach holds right now to keep the armies feeding on our side.  So I don't think Mace was so smart but rather his commanders to have smaller armies, since the Westerlands hold about 20,00 at best? King's Landing about the same and they will be barely able to feed them and the people, what's left in Dorne? 20,000 about those numbers. 

The Reach holds about 80,000/90,000 men they can call upon they've made 3 groups of 25,000 and the rest are guarding the casteless. A good castle and having your men positioned good than well 100 men can take out thousands. 

Look at the Eyrie and the Blood Gate you have good men, positioned in good spots those men become worth thousands of others. Well unless they have climbing picks but even then, if your not from here you are not surviving the trip up. 

"What are you going to do with the Little Tit sucker." Jace says as the Maester leaves with a small bow. "Nothing." 

"Nothing? He tried to kill you or did we all miss the part where he stabbed you three times." Jace says with his best wtf face. "He did it because he was scared, that shit Little Finger had been telling him that I was going to hurt or even kill him. I just shoved that rat of a mother of him out of the Moon Door of course he would think he was next." I say with a shake of my head. 

"It doesn't excuse the fact that he tried to kill you Artys." He says as his eyes look at me. "We were all just worried oke? Not only because you're our king, but your also my friend." He continues and I release a hum. 

"Do you grow more sentimental with the years Jace?" 

"it's not that, it's just we've already lost friends I don't wish to lose you too." 

"I'm alive that's all that matters isn't it? I'm alive and soon I wish to end this fucking war, we will free the Riverlands, I will put the Frey's heads on spikes before leveling the Twins down with the ground, than we march North do the same with the Bolton's before I put Joffrey's head and his mother's on a lovely spike outside of King's Landing." I say making him nod his head with a shrug of his shoulders. 

"Sounds like a plan, all we need to do is wait a Fortnight before your allowed to ride out again." He says with that stupid smile of his making me roll my eyes. 

Some Day's Later. 

Slowly walking into the High Hall I see Lord Yohn, Lady Olenna, Ser Barristan, Jace and Tommen.... this is going to go well. 

"Do I wish to know what direction this conversation is going to go in?" I ask them as I walk over to my chair and sit down in it. 

Seeing the men and well boy's all look between one another soon Lady Olenna rolls her eyes. "Bloody cowards, you need to remarry." She says and I raise my brow at her, remarry? It's not something I wish to speak off and yet I knew that it would come sooner rather than lather. I need to secure my line and I had that, I had that with Margaery and with our son. 

And after they got taken from me I don't know if I can ever give myself like that again, like how I gave myself to her. I loved her, she was the mother of my son. 

"Now of course you already had a wife and a hei-" 

"Please don't." I say as I cut Lady Olenna off. "She is right your grace, to secure your line you will have to wed again." Lord Yohn speaks. 

"There is one who you could wed and then her army becomes yours." 

"You speak of the Mad King's daughter?" Lord Yohn now says with slight wide eyes as he looks towards Lady Olenna. "I will not speak of marriage now, I will in some days ride out to the Twins so I can avenge my wife and my son before I ride North and do the same. I know there may come a day that I will have to wed again but it's to soon." I say as I get up again and start to walk out of the High Hall again with a sigh leaving my lips. 

She thinks of Daenerys Targaryen?  Daenerys Targaryen the daughter of the man my father rebelled against. If we think politically, it's a good match Daenerys holds three dragons or so the story's go, she holds a army, a family name with a lot of history in Westeros. 

But I don't know, how could she accept me? Or how can I accept her, my father rebelled against hers, I was named heir by the man who killed her brother. Politically speaking it's a almost perfect match, when you bring in the history it will most likely be far from that. 

Author's Note. 

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