Part 50

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Time later, 

Holding the dragon glass dagger, I look it over. I don't know how but The Hound, Roberts Bastard and some others have made their way to Winterfell with the men of the Night Watch.... and well Robert's Bastard Gendry is a smit and we need them right now. 

"Hard to work on, your grace." Gendry says and I put the dagger down again. "Your doing good work...... that's yours?" I ask him as I see the hammer next to the forge and he follows my line of sight. "Yes, forged it myself." He says as he picks it up and holds it out too me, taking the hammer in hand I look it over it's heavier than Robert's and would most likely best be used two handed but it still looks and feels amazing. 

"It's a good weapon, remind me to when this is over to let you forge some things." I say with a small smile as I hand him the hammer back that he puts down. "It would be a honor, your grace." He says with a bow and I nod my head before starting to walk away again only to see Jon run through the snow and the mass of people towards me. 

"Y-you need to come, Bran said he has crossed." He heavily breaths out and with that we both now start to run away from the smiths and towards the room we've been planning as the snow falls around us and we push through the courtyard. It was only a matter of time before the wall fell or that the Night King crossed but the more time we would have had the better prepared we would have been. It always was a question 'when' not 'if' and it seems like he's now ready to march south and the only thing that stands between him and bringing death, ice, and chaos towards the world is Winterfell right now. 


Standing in the room with most of the high lords, and some other people I turn towards Bran who still just has no emotion on his face. "How long before he reaches Winterfell." I ask him and he sees to think about my words for a couple of seconds.

"Less than a full moon." He says and I turn back towards the map. "How far are we with the trenches?"

"We finished the digging we are now making spikes with the useless shards of Dragon Glass, your grace." Ser Brynden speaks and at least that's good. 

"Good, if they fall down into it they'll hopefully die on impact, we have one real chance to stop him and that's here if we fail....... if he wins the battle, we will all become part of his army before he makes us march south.... to our homes, our lands, our families." I say as I look around the room at the people. 

"Then we better make sure he doesn't pass us." Lord Randyll speaks and the others soon agree with him. "Now I wish for this to stay between us for now, I don't want any panic to spread under the men yet. Also I wish that the remains of the dragon glass shards will be put in barrels for the falcons to pick up and drop on the dead the barrels almost blows up on impact and thus shoots in all kinds  of directions." I speak making Lord Brynden nod his head. "That could work, what of the dragons?" 

"The dragons will stay close to their mother it's in their nature." Daenerys says and I take a deep breath. "Then you will have to tell them to spread out, if all dragons are on only one side and the Night King surrounds us, his army will overrun the weaker sides." I speak as I turn to look at her.  

"If I am in danger they will come to me, I can not stop that Artys."  She says and I run my hand through my hair. "You're on top of a dragon I think you're the safest one here when they come." Sansa says making Daenerys turn to look at her. "Your grace." She adds. 

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