Part 5.

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Some Weeks Later, 

Artys's Pov, 

Running my hand through my hair a sigh leaves my lips, I've been so busy like with doing my normal duties, to sparring, to making sure everything for the wedding feast will go smoothly. The wedding is only a week away. 

"Artys!" A familiar voice yells making me turn around to see Myrcella and Tommen run my way before their bodies crash into mine and a grunt leaves my lips. 

"Little Prince and Princess what is this? Early wedding gift." I say as I ruffle my hand through Tommen's hair who releases some laughs at it. "Well yes we came for the wedding!" Myrcella says and I give her a smile. They came? Well I invited them, but I thought a king would have better things to do! 

Looking up I see Robert, Cersei, the Litt- Joffrey, Another man and his guards walk in making me pull away from Tommen and Myrcella. 

"Your grace, if you would have let me known about your arriv-" 

"Not this again Artys, we came for the wedding! Better yet your wedding!" Robert loudly says as he cuts me off and slaps my shoulders with both of his hands. "The wedding is in a week, you are early. Your Grace." I say and he punches my shoulder making a small chuckle leave my lips. 

"You see what I have to put up with.... you see this Ned." He speaks as he motions at me while looking at the man who must be Lord Eddard Stark!  "Indeed I do, the last time I saw you... you where a boy. Now a man stands in front of me, your father raised you well Artys." He speaks with a kind smile on his lips. 

"Thank you, Lord Stark. I've heard you have sons not far away from my age they will also be fine men." 

"Ow stop the ass kissing and get us something to drink! Your going to tell us everything about your wife to be!" Robert loudly says and I release a small chuckle. "As you wish." 


"So what does she look like?" 

"She's beautiful, curling brown hair, light blue eyes, a kind and yet shy smil-" 

"He sounds like he's already in love." Robert says as he cuts me off and I roll my eyes. "I'm just saying she looks beautiful. There's nothing wrong with that now is there." I say before taking another sip from my wine. 

"You think my boy will speak of your daughter like that Ned." He says and I have to stop my brow from raising, they wish to join houses? Or well by the look on Lord Starks face I think it's something only truly Robert wishes, but Ned cannot go against those wishes. I already feel bad for the girl.... she deserves someone better than Joffrey. 

"I can tell you he will not." He adds before he downs his cup. "You don't know that Robert, I didn't love Cat at first it came with time." Lord Stark speaks and well yeah many get love between them after time I think? Like marriage for the Lord and Ladies is a political game not something done out of love. 

"After all this time I hold no love for mine, I hope your daughter has it better." Robert says before he almost drunkenly gets up and walks away while a sigh leaves Lord Starks lips. "Even a Warden can not say no when the king wishes their child to wed on of theirs." I say with a shake of my head as I lean back in my chair and play with my cup. 

"A warden or a friend, it doesn't matter. My daughter has wishes to marry a prince since she could speak the words." He says with a small chuckle. "Like most girls wish, and all boys dream to become a knight." 

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