Part 40

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Day's Later, 

I've been spending most of my time in my chamber or looking for the cave that holds the dragon glass, she's commanded Grey Worm to ready her armies to set sail to White Harbor but for the rest we do not really speak. 

"You two seem to be getting along just fine." The voice of Tyrion speaks making me roll my eyes as I continue to stare at the beach. "The last time I saw yo-" I start before he cuts me off. 

"You smashed Jaime's head in." He says and I turn to look at him. "And you believe that after everything Jaime did that he was innocent and did not deserve dead? In my dreams I kill your father a million times for what he did to me and yet I never can." I lowly say with cold eyes before turning back towards the ocean. 

"I never said he was an innocent man, none of us are my father surely wasn't." He speaks and I release a scoff. "You know their bodies where never found, they ripped my son from his mother and stabbed him over and over again while my wife was crying and pleading for our son. What you did to your father was a mercy to what I would have done." I say with a shake of my head. 

"I would have thrown everything my father thought me about honor away when I got my hands on him................. Tywin Lannister would not have gotten any mercy from me, you're lucky I'm not your father otherwise I would have taken your head from your shoulders Tyrion, I would have let all my men fucked your sister before I took the same with her and her bastard that sits on the Iron Throne as your father did with my wife and son. Myrcella and Tommen would have had the same end as Aegon and Rhaenys Targaryen got....... all of that would have happened if I was the same kind of man your father was." I add with a scoff as I see him move to stand next to me from the corner of my eye as my ships are coming into view. 

"All those things would have happened maybe indeed if you were like my father, but you are not." 

"And still I'll take Joffrey's head when the time comes, and that of your sister if needed." I say before walking away from him with a shake of my head. 


"Aaaaaaah it's good to see your head still on your shoulders!" Jace says as he walks over to me and I roll my eyes. "You think she would have killed me and risk lo-" I say before he slaps my chest making me raise my brow. 

"She's standing behind you." He mumbles as he moves his head closer and I look over my shoulder to see Daenerys and her advisers a couple of feet behind us. "You think she would have killed me and never get the love and support from the lords she needs? And if she can hear me that's alright." I say with a shake of my head as Tommen, Ser Barristan, Lord Yohn and some soldiers make their way off of the small boat. 

"Look at you your turning into a man." Tyrion says as he is probably looking at Tommen. "Uncle." Tommen says with a simple nod. 

"Uncle you mea-" 

"Is there a problem?" I ask Daenerys as I cut her off and turn around. "This is the Usurpers son." She states as she looks at Tommen and I let my gaze harden. "This is Tommen my ward, do you remember the last time a Targaryen threatened the lives of the Wards of a Arryn? Because I can tell you what happend." I say with a cold look as I notice some of the falcon's land around me while others fly overhead and her dragons also fly over as the black one lands behind her and her eyes are probably as hard as mine right now. 

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