Part 38

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Sansa's Pov, 

I watch the Falcons soar away and feel a pang in my chest. I love Artys, not for his crown, but for his soul. He is risking his life to face a deadly enemy, because he cares about every life as much as his own. He rescued Rickon from Ramsay's clutches, almost dying in the process. He is rallying his troops to defend the North, but that is not what draws me to him. It is the way he makes me feel alive when I am with him, the way he listens to me and values my thoughts. He is the one who makes me feel like myself again.

I never thought I would feel this way about him. He was supposed to be a ally, a means to an end, a way to secure my home and my people. But as the months passed, I found myself drawn to him more and more. He was not like the others who wanted me for my name, my claim, or my womb. He wanted me for me. He saw me as Sansa, not as Ned Stark's daughter. He respected me, listened to me, supported me. He made me laugh, he made me feel safe, he makes me feel alive. He is everything I never knew I needed, and I was falling in love with him.

And now's he's flying of to meet Daenerys Targaryen. And I could not stop him, because he said it's his duty.... but what of the duty to himself? I do not know if he feels what I feel for him and yet he kissed me back. He kissed me back before he spoke that duty kills love and he can't chose another way.  What if he never returns? What if he falls in love with her we've all heard of her beauty? What if he dies in the war to come? I wish I could have gone with him, or convinced him to stay. But he is a king, and I am only a lady. He has a destiny, and I have a duty. A duty to my family, to my people, to the North. A duty that may kill love as well. 

Perhaps our fate was sealed from the start. Perhaps we were never meant to find joy or love in this cruel world. We only had each other for a kiss, but now our duties demand that we sacrifice everything, even our hearts. Maybe love is not enough to overcome the horrors we have faced and the ones that await us. Maybe we are doomed to lose each other, and ourselves, in the name of a greater cause.

"He's quite the man." The voice of Jon says and it pulls me out of my thoughts as I notice him come to stand next to me while the Falcon that carry Artys towards Dragonstone is long gone. "He is." I breathe out with a hint of a smile as I think about the man that warms my heart that's been covered in ice for a long time. 

Artys's Pov, 

Flying over the land on top of the falcon I look around at the moon and the stars that for now look calm. I can't stop my mind that wanders back to what happend with Sansa she kissed me and I kissed her back. I enjoy spending my time with Sansa, she makes me feel like me and not the king or speaks to me for what I hold but for who I am. 

 After Margaery died I knew I had to rewed it's my duty, but I never thought I would feel things when I would gaze upon Sansa or when her lips pressed against mine that I would kiss her back. . She's not the naive girl I once knew, but a woman who has endured unimaginable horrors and emerged stronger and wiser. She's clever and cunning, but also kind and gentle. When we are alone, we can drop our masks and be ourselves sometimes I think we've both not have been able to do for a long time. 

And yet now I'm flying of to Daenerys Targaryen and I may have to wed her to stop a bloody war between our sides. She sits on the pile of Dragon Glass we need, and she holds three dragons that can help us win the war against the Night King.... I've never seen a dead rise again but I believe Jon's and the words of the Wildlings.... the only real difference between us and them is that we were on this side when the wall went up.  You can see it in their eyes that they've seen it..... things that should not have been possible.

I wish Daenerys would have stayed east and lived her life out there, that I could give Sansa a chance because that's what I wish to do..... but I can't. I have a duty to my people and Westeros and I can't change that even as King, being king makes Love and Duty something you can't choose between..... because there is no choice, we have a duty that's it nothing more. 

She won't kill me, if it wasn't for the Night King she would have needed me more than I need her. She has a foreign army.... no support here in Westeros and to be honest her family was removed from the Iron Throne, Robert's line was the one of succession after that...... well he put us all in a war because he named a boy with no bood ties to him his heir! 

She is a stranger here, a conqueror, not a queen. She needs me more than I need her, because I know this land and its people. I have allies and friends here, while she only has enemies and fear for her, her army and the dragons she holds. 


Daenerys's Pov, 

The Next Day, 

Looking at the table I see the different pieces on there, Artys's army's are holding those of Joffrey back so they can't wander into the lands of The Reach, The Riverlands or even further North than that. 

"If you want the Iron Throne, take it. We have an army, a fleet, and three dragons. We should hit King's Landing now. Hard. With everything we have. The city will fall within a day." Yara speaks making soon Tyrion follow up. 

"If we turn the dragons loose, tens of thousands will die in the firestorms." 

"Make it more hundred's of thousands." A male voice says from behind me and it makes us turn around to see a man with blonde hair, haunting blue eyes, a set of armor and Grey worm with his spear pointed at him while I don't even know who this is, how did he get up here! 

"It's been a long time Artys." Tyrion says and I look between the two of them, this is Artys Arryn? He came? "Tyrion." He simply says before he turns and raises his brow at Grey Worm. 

"Unless your going to use that I would advise you to put it down before I grab my weapon."  He speaks and I give Greyworm a nod making him put the spear back as Artys walks further towards us. "How did you even get up here?" 

"Does it truly matter how I got up here? I'm here am I not......... so you can do your title thing than I'll do mine." He simply says with a shrug of his shoulders. 

"You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains" Missandei speaks and it makes him hum as we watch his every move. 

"Artys of the House Arryn, First of his name rightful heir to The Iron Throne, rightful King of the Andals and the First men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, some've been calling me the Demon of the Trident reborn other's the Winged King but looks like you have more titles than I do." He says with a simple shrug as he picks a falcon piece up. 

"Your claim consists of the words of the usurper." I state making his haunting blue eyes fall onto me. "And yet you asked me to come here because unlike you I have lords in three kingdoms and the River Lands who swear allegiance to me, I have the backing in Westeros that you lack and may never obtain." He says as he walks closer to where I stand and picks the Dragon piece up. 

"People grew to love me in Essos so will the people here in Westeros."  I say and it makes a chuckle leave his lips. "The people here aren't the people in Essos, you hold no support execpt form the Greyjoy's and not even half of them, if you wage war with your unsullied and Dothraki the people will never follow you or love you what you wish." He states and I release a small hum at his words. 

"And yet you came, if you think all these things of me than why did you come to Dragonstone." 

"Because you need me and I need you." 

Author's Note, 

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Pa-=tr-=eon The-Last-Wolf1998 

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