Part 4

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Artys's Pov, 

Walking into the Large Hall I look around in almost awe, it's beautiful. Windows with colored glass in the shape of roses, flowers more than anyone can count. Long tables with fine silver plates, and cups. 

There are people here, do I know them all? No but it's probably, Knights, second sons of second sons. Lords of Houses close by, just people who Mace will wish to know of this. 

"Last time I saw you, you took me off my horse." 

"And put you on your ass, great tourney that was." I say as Loras walks next to me and he shakes his head with a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "And now your here to wed my sister." 

"Something we all must do, my father and yours spoke of it often since me and Margaery are clos in age." I speak and he gives me a small nod. 

"Lord Artys Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, Protector of the Vale, Keeper of the Gates of the Moon, Warden of the East." Now a man says and it makes me walk more into the hall as all eyes now fall upon me. God's they couldn't like warn me! 

Making my way towards the table where Mace and his family sit I see the beautiful girl next to him and I briefly let my eyes move towards her. He didn't even give us a chance to speak, but well he cares more about the bonds this forges than what his daughter may wish. 

Seeing Jace give me a thumbs up as I pass the part he and my Knights are seated I have to stop my eyes from rolling, that boy is something else. I love him more like a brother than Robin but he can also make me wish to jump out of the Moon Door.  He was a bastard of a bastard of maybe another bastard.... born Wickendem and after his mother died when he was 11 he wandered to King's Landing, we met when I was walking around the city. 

He was dirty, hungry, and weak and yet he stood up for another orphan as a group tried to steal the girls food. After that I would bring him food and we would talk..... talk about anything we could and after Robert made me a Knight I chose Jace as my squire. He's been with me ever since. 

"It's a honor to be a guest here." I say with a small bow. "Ow sit... sit please Lord Artys." Mace says as he motions to the spot next to his daughter and I give him a nod before making my way over and sitting down while I feel the eyes of her on my the whole time. 

"You look beautiful." I say as she gets up and I take her hand before placing a small kiss on it. "Thank you, My Lord." She says and I give her a smile before we both sit down as I pull the chair out for her, when she sits down I shove it back before sitting down myself. 

Looking towards her I can't stop the smile that grows on my face before she turns her head in my direction and lets her light blue eyes meet mine. Seeing a smile grow on her lips we both soon hear Mace clear his throat as he stands up with a cup in hand as it pulls us out of our thoughts. 

"W-we have gathered here today, because soon two will become one! My daughter.... my Margaery will wed Lord Artys Arryn. Two great houses joined together in love and with hopefully plenty of children!" He loudly says and what a man! 

"So this feast is to celebrate that my daughter Margaery and Lord Artys will wed in less than two moons!" He adds and they clap or cheer while I have to stop my head from tilting?! Two moons! I said I would need some weeks but this is sooner than I thought. 

Seeing him turn towards me with his cup I raise mine as I give him a small smile while right now my nerves are getting higher and higher! 

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