Part 31

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Artys's Pov, 

Some Day's Later, 

Why is it that when I wish revenge the man somehow ends up dead? I just got word that Roose Bolton is dead, and his bastard Ramsay now is 'Warden' of the North, Warden over my dead body. I just wanted to see the light go out of his eyes, I wanted him to know that my face was the last one he would ever see. Ramsay will never have the true loyalty of the North I still have 3000 riders in my army after all this time, men who also wish to go home but will fight for revenge. Who will fight for Robb Stark and His mother, who will fight for me. 

We ride out North soon, I can't stay inside of the Twins I just can't stay where my wife and our son met their end. It's been some time and yet I still can't sleep a full night, my mind still brings me to that place where they needed me and I wasn't there. 

"Art-, Your grace!" Tommen says as he quickly walks into my tent and I let a sigh leave my lips as I step away from the wooden table that holds the map of Westeros where I think I've been staring at for hours now. 

"Yes Tommen." 

"Riders arrived, one says she's Sansa Stark!" He quickly says and I snap my head in his direction with surprise. "Sansa Stark?" I ask and he nods his head before I start to walk after him out of the tent, she found a way to get out? Someone helped her get out? Ramsay never would have let her go she's his wife, he needs her father's name to at least try and get some support from the Northern lords. 

As we quickly make our way through the camp it takes some time before we reach three horses with three people beside them as the auburn hair that Sansa held comes into view. "Sansa?" I ask and soon the girl turns around and I look her over, she looks like the girl I met all those years ago, more mature but she looks like Sansa? w

"Art-, your grace." She starts before she corrects herself and I take a step towards her. "It's alright I'm happy to see you I think we have a lot to discus." I say with a soft smile as I look at her. 

"A lot has happened these years." She breaths out and I give her a small nod. "Indeed, come on I'll get you something to eat your traveling companions will also be taken care of." 


Sitting on a hill as I overlook the camp and the Twins a sigh releases my lips. "That hard huh?" Sansa's voice says as I notice her taking a seat next to me. "Should you be wandering alone, Lady Sansa." I ask her with a shake of my head. 

"I could ask you the same, your grace." She counters. 

"I'd rather be hundreds of miles away from this place." I breathe out as I force my gaze away from the Twins and towards Sansa next to me. "You ever wish that you never left the Eyrie? I wish I never left Winterfell, maybe everything could have been different." She says and I nod my head. 

"Sometimes, but either way a war would have come if you didn't leave Winterfell that wouldn't have meant your father wouldn't have gone with Robert. If I stayed at the Eyrie than Tywin would have brought the army to my doorsteps." I say as if it's not like I never thought about it, things would have gone differently but that doesn't mean they would now have happened. 

"I am sorry for what you've been through Sansa I can't even begin to image what it's been like for you, but I swear to you that no man will ever harm you again." I softly say making her eyes meet mine as they search them. 

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