Part 12

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Artys's Pov, 
Some Day's Later, 

I've been thinking and thinking about what to do.... I've rallied my banners and soon I will ride out to meet them.... and then what do I tell them? That we have to go to war because Robert named me his heir..... that I am now to be King? Tommen he's well saddened that his father has passed and so am I.... like my father I thought Robert would have had many more years to live before he would have been taken by the stranger. 

"Artys." Lady Stark says as she is quick to walk over to me and I see the fear and worry on her face. "Ned has been taken prisoner because he declared you Robert's heir!" She says and I nod my head as I take Robert's letter out of my pocket and hand it to her before I see her eyes dart quickly over it.

"H-he named you his heir." 

"Robert named me his heir.... I've called upon my banners and soon I will ride out to meet them, I will fight if that's needed to get Lord Eddard and your daughters back to you. Lady Stark." I say as her almost teary eyes meet mien while she hands me the letter back. 

"My son intends to declare war." She says as she holds a small note up and I let my eyes dart over it as I read the words.... it's true Robb Stark is calling his banners and riding South to get his father and sisters back.

"And I will aid your son in this." I start before she finishes. "If he bends the knee to you and accepts you as Robert heir and the New King." 

"Indeed, my wife's father is Warden of the South, I am Warden of the East and your husband of the North. If we join forces together....... we can show that Westeros would rather have me as King and that they respect the words of Robert Baratheon." I speak to her as I don't think the North would ever side with the Lannister's but to have Robb on my side with his banners would double both of our armies. 

"You both speak of going to war." She says in slight disbelief and also worry, her son Robb is younger than I am. And we both are speaking of going to war, one for his family the other for a Throne he had no right too until the king named him his heir. 

"Your husband and Robert where not much older than me and Robb are right now, we can ride out and meet Robb together or you can ride out and give him my terms..... I will ride with him to King's Landing if he bends the knee to me. I will let my wife send out word to her Father that I wish for him to rally his banners and stand by my side.............. than who do the Westerlands hold? The Iron Born? They'll never side with any of us.... The Stormlands? Maybe but they do not hold enough men. Dorne? After what happened with Elia Martell and her children? No, they won't." 

"Your both just bo-" She says before I am quick to cut her off. "Boys? Your son is now Lord of Winterfell and I'm Warden of the East..... Robert Baratheon your king.... our king named me his heir, he must have known I was more ready to lead over Westeros than his son and if I need to go to war to honor his word I will." I say before walking away from her with a shake of my head. 


Throwing the letter to the ground I feel the anger start to rise in me as I throw the wooden table over making everything that's on it slam into the ground or fly away. "Artys." The voice of Margaery softly says making me turn around in her direction. 

"I've been named a traitor of the realm! And I have to answer for my crimes in King's Landing!? Answer he'll put my head on a fucking spike." I say with anger as I wave my hands around. 

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