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Kate Emperor Star.

First Military Academy, Area B, Storage Hall.

The entire storage hall was quiet. In a slightly cluttered corner, there was a man lying in his early twenties.

The man frowned, then opened his eyes, his mind was in chaos.

Surrounded by mechanical steel walls, it is airtight and wide, with rows of display racks neatly placed in the room.

Everything was pitch dark, with only the item introduction boards emitting a faint fluorescent light.

He looked down at his body. His limbs were long and slender, his bones were fragile, and he felt that his vitality was extremely weak.

"Is this the new human race?" The voice that came from this body was filled with sand, but at this moment it was coming from Shen Yue's soul.

The liquid ball on the ground is rolling.

There is also a glowing introduction card next to it, all with the words of the new humanity.

He must use his mental power to explore the visual language area in this body's brain in order to understand the words on it.

[Prehistoric ancient cells: Ancient cells from prehistoric humans one hundred thousand years ago were accidentally discovered by an expedition team under a volcano on a certain planet. The cells were wrapped in an extremely high-density liquid and were indestructible even under the volcano. The most sophisticated modern cells Instruments can't break it. Scientists believe that this is the fire left by the first humans on the planet. It is now kept at the First Military Academy of Kate Emperor Star for observation. ]

"It turns out it's been a hundred thousand years..."

He frowned, he actually slept for a hundred thousand years...

One hundred thousand years ago, the mother planet suffered an unprecedented natural disaster, and everyone had to evacuate the mother star in a starship, but In order to leave the spark of civilization and out of attachment to the mother planet.

They decided to send people to stay on the home planet.

And Shen Yue was selected.

Through special means, Shen Yue's mental power and genes were stored in special nutritional materials, which were enough to be preserved for tens of millions of years.

His spirit is sleeping, but his soul has been waiting for a suitable body and rebuilding his home.

But he didn't expect that when he opened his eyes again, he would see this scene.

The body in front of him was covered in scars, and he had also suffered tremendous mental pain.

He once again used his mental power to penetrate into the brain of this body.

The owner of the body is also named Shen Yue, and he is a beta.

This is indeed a new era of humanity and has entered the interstellar age.

The galaxy he is in belongs to the edge of the federal star field. The original owner is an orphan and would not have had the opportunity to enter the First Military Academy. However, due to his talent in mental healing, he was admitted to the First Military Academy under special circumstances.

However, Shen Yue has a low status, introverted personality, and is the most common beta among the interstellar population, but he happens to be prettier than an omega. It’s no surprise that someone bullied me.

On this day, the original owner was bullied to death by several omegas, and the body was left in a dilapidated storage room. It happened to match Shen Yue's mental power left in the liquid ball, and Shen Yue was able to wake up from his ten-thousand-year sleep.

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