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The next day, Shen Yue boarded the starship heading to Kate Emperor Star.

As the starship flew away from the docking module and sailed into space, Shen Yue glanced at Getuo in the vast mist. There was a beautiful liquid gene ball in his luggage.

Passing through the star gate, after a slight bump, the starship entered the transition, and Talleyn was still sleeping at this time.

The First Legion's starships were much faster than the private enterprise starships. It seemed that they had already entered Kate's military port after just sleeping and eating two meals.

Shen Yue boarded a convenient public shuttle ship at the military port, went to the space station, and boarded an interstellar tourist ship that had been booked on the star network. The destination of this tourist ship happened to be the planet Sither.

He was going to the Golden Feather Auction House to take a shot of the liquid ball.

As for the money issue.

He had already found a star field simulation game developed by Huangxing on the Internet.

Players remotely control their small engineering ships through the Internet, and use their mental power to detect whether there are mineable mineral sources or crystals on the deserted planet.

As long as the player develops crystals and other substances in the wild star field and it is proven to be true, they can be exchanged for a certain proportion of game currency.

Game currency can not only be exchanged for player capital, but also for money. Of course, those detected resources ultimately belong to the federal government.

I heard that the top ten players in terms of annual contribution will receive special rewards from the government.

However, participating in the game requires passing a mental test, and it is said that 80% of people pass this test.

Shen Yue deliberately suppressed his mental strength, controlled the results to a medium level, passed the assessment, and obtained the player qualification.

[Congratulations on getting a small engineering ship, start your journey now! ]

On the tourist starship, Shen Yue began his virtual journey to the deserted star.

Not long after he left, the arrival of a warship from the space station caused quite a stir.

Many people looked at this warship representing the First Legion in astonishment. Space Force infantrymen in military uniforms held weapons and blocked all exits.

A colonel officer disembarked from the warship. It was Talleyn's lieutenant Genar.

Gena followed him all the way from the military port, just to find Shen Yue.

The director of the space station came out to greet him personally.

When he learned that Shen Yue had boarded the tourist ship heading to Xisse two hours ago, Gena secretly sighed that something was wrong.

"Can we still return?"

"It looks like we have passed the star gate now. If we suddenly return, it would be better if you go directly to the space port in Sisel and wait for them to arrive."

Gena frowned.

It was a step too late.

The marshal must be so angry that he goes crazy.

Four hours ago—Goto Space Station.

Tarein decided to have his glands removed. This was my first thought after waking up again.

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