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Taliein crossed his arms and crossed his legs in front of the pile of grass.

A pair of noble military boots, extending to a pair of long legs with perfect curvature, hidden behind the haystack, suddenly appeared in the field of vision. Shen Yue was stunned for a moment and continued to draw circles.

"No matter how we call him, he can't seem to hear. We have given him psychological treatment, but it has no effect at all. He must be autistic..." Duke said quickly, he was afraid that his marshal would get angry later and kick him. People kicked to death.

"It's useless. Leave the space station behind before you die."

Duke was stunned: "Throw it away? But he is a student of the First Military Academy..."

"Humph." Taliein spit out a contemptuous word from his nose. nasal.

This hum, it goes without saying that the First Military Academy is really not worth mentioning in the eyes of his own marshal.

Duke silently mourned for poor Shen Yue.

Shen Yue, who was still drawing circles, weighed it again and again. It would be better to fall into the hands of Hongmao than to fall into the hands of Taliein.

Taliein said: "Before throwing it away, remember to break it into several pieces."

Shen Yue's heart trembled: "Damn, Taliein, you have no heart!"

The researcher next to him was so frightened that his hands shook.

A military boot pressed against his throat, lifting Shen Yue's chin.

Shen Yue blinked and was forced to face the brutal boss.

At this time, the pair of purple bloody eyes were looking down at him. The beautiful eye sockets looked extremely deep against the long eyelashes, like a wild beast but without any emotion.

It especially violates human physiological structure.

Are they serious about teasing? Just this fierce boss? Just beat him to death...

Please, is it too late to pretend to be pitiful now?

"Duke." Talie put down his legs, and his military boots made a crisp sound as they fell to the ground.


"Wash him clean and throw him into my office." Taliein's voice was cold.

Duke shook the goosebumps on his body and said, "Yes."

Duke used a weeding light to clean the grass off Shen Yue's body, and then threw him into the cleaning device. The water continued to spray down, and Shen Yue's entire figure Rolling around like a potato in the drum washing machine.

Please get more body wash, he's numb.

As the hatch closed, there was silence in the office cabin.

When Shen Yue came in, he first saw a pair of black boot soles on the desk, and then a beautiful Adam's apple and chin.

Taliein sat on the composite chair, his neck tilted back, his center of gravity leaning back, his golden hair flowing down, his legs resting on the desk, his hands leaning down, and his whole person was in a delicate balance like a dead man.

And a federal meeting is taking place on the optical brain.

The Dark Legion's attack on Gotto has undoubtedly become a focal point for the federal government and has caused tensions across the galaxy.

The imperial flags surround a huge Federation flag in the middle, and on each seat are the heads of the galaxies and members of the Federation Council.

Taliein's virtual image was also among them. Shen Yue looked at Taliein sitting upright in the virtual meeting, and then at the salted fish lying behind the desk.

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