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A figure climbed up the big round cover at the top of the base, and then climbed up to the tallest flag tower. He ran towards the sky, and the hot stars fell on him. He looked up at the stars and waved his hands -

"Hey !Wait for me————I’m back!”


Squeak! With the opening of a broken wooden door, time returned to three hours ago.

Who would have thought that today in the age of navigation in the new human century, there would still be such a dilapidated and rotten wooden door.

As the wooden door opened, two figures stepped into the dusty pit.

"What do you mean? Is this a reward?"

"It's just K's bad taste. Just choose the money." Cyril followed the process as mechanically.

Who would give up their money to choose these damn things?

But seeing Shen Yue squatting in front of the pile of rags, a black line like mosquito coils suddenly rose into the sky, like a giant umbrella. Dark clouds were gathering, and a gloomy atmosphere enveloped Shen Yue.

Seeing his lifeless look, Cyril raised Hei Jun's eyebrows: "It's just K's bad taste. Let's go through the process. Let's take the banknotes." "

No!" Shen Yue said suddenly, extremely firmly.

Why is he so stupid? It has been hundreds of years since Gotto developed crystals. He has already dug out everything that should be dug out, but he is still digging for crystals in such a stupid way!

Choking! Shen Yue had already plunged into the pile of old antiques.

There are fossilized bones, made specimens, modern collections of human organs, and various types of unprocessed jade.

In fact, most of them are just a bunch of useless junk, as the mercenaries said.

But Shen Yue worked tirelessly, turning over one thing after another.

Finally, after a long time, like holding a jade seal, Shen Yue held out an unknown box covered with rusty moss.

Cyril recognized it as a box that had been dug out in the base before. It was a box, but there were no gaps or holes around it. It was better to say it was a hollow cube of wood.

When Shen Yue returned to the mine with the box, the mercenary next to him shook his head.

I didn't expect that these days there is a big bastard who wants money and rags.

Shen Yue hurried back to his room, sat on the simply made bed, and touched the rusty box in front of him. He was almost sure at the first glance that this was something from his "hometown", a mark from prehistory.

He was not melted by the high temperature of the meteorite, corroded by microorganisms, or destroyed by the flow of time. After a hundred thousand years of waiting, it was finally in his hands.

His hands were trembling. Perhaps there was the whereabouts of prehistoric humans here, and there was a message left for him by his companions.

This box cannot be opened by external force. This seemingly weightless box is made of a special kind of "paper". It is connected on all sides and has no edges, no keyholes, and no gaps.

In fact, it can never be opened. Only by finding a specific kind of spiritual power can the information inside be read.

Shen Yue released his mental power and penetrated the dense molecular structure, revealing the contents inside at a glance.

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