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After Goya’s human calculations, the three-dimensional crack reappeared on time.

"We can push the time forward a little further, if you need it."

"It means..."

"It means that you can go back to the time you want to go, but of course not too far away." Shen Yi affirmed.

Shen Yue was very excited: "Then let me go back to the day I left."

Will this save Taliein from the pain of being separated from him?

These days, Shen Yue is like a tree that has been scorched by the fire, suffering every moment. If it were not for the faith of going back to see Taliein to support him, he would really go crazy.

Shen Yi seemed to understand his thoughts and sighed: "But I want to tell you, this cannot change the course of the known world." "

What do you mean?"

"After advancing the time point, there will only be one more new world. This new world You are not separated in the world, but you are indeed separated for a period of time in the existing world. So I say that it cannot really change the pain of people in the existing world. Your choice only creates a relatively better parallel. World."

Shen Yue froze, covering his forehead with both hands, and a kind of pale and feeble pain flowed out from his fingers like a substance.

So he still couldn't change Taliein's pain, and he couldn't change the established facts.

"In this case, go back to the existing world and don't let him suffer alone." He wanted to go back to accompany Taliein.

Three-dimensional cracks unfold.

"I'm sorry, brother, I never thought that you would refuse to return to Geya. I thought you would miss home." Before leaving, Shen Yi's voice came from afar, filled with guilt and uncontrollable disappointment.

During this period, Shen Yi felt uncomfortable watching Shen Yue's suffering.

"No, Shen Yi, if I become a four-dimensional body and return to Goya, I will never be able to communicate with Taliein or return to Taliein. Do you understand?" "Why can't we

become a four-dimensional body together? ?"

"Can you still get used to the three-dimensional world?"

"No, the three-dimensional world is too cramped. Just one minute is unbearable for me." "

So, I can't make any choices for Talleyn. After all, the three-dimensional world The Federation is his home."

Shen Yi said: "Even if they knew you were from Ge Ya and had doubts about you, would you still go back?" "


Shen Yue held his "shoulder" .

He knew that the body he was touching now was just a projection of his brother left in the three-dimensional world. He knew that they were still separated from each other at opposite ends of the universe, and a true reunion would never come.

"Shen Yi, come and give me a hug." On this occasion of parting, Shen Yue smiled warmly and reached out to him in the air, just like he did when he was a child.

Shen Yi's emotions were obviously fluctuating: "No... no... that's just my shadow. I can't hold you at all."

Shen Yue was startled. Maybe since he became the fire kindling a hundred thousand years ago, he and his brother had no longer He is a person of the same world.

Despite this, Shen Yue still reached out and held his "shadow" in his arms.

"Shen Yi, as long as you know that I am doing well, I have a new home, don't worry about me." "

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