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Without waiting for Tinder's response, the scarecrow just continued to stand in the sky, and the symbols of the text were integrated into the sky, unchangeable by wind and rain, and untouchable by thunder.

People went from being panicked at the beginning to becoming numb. More and more optimists appeared, and life seemed to be slowly recovering.

However, the calm on the surface cannot conceal the undercurrent surging underneath.

As long as it's about Goto, everything will be magnified.

The government spends countless financial resources to develop the space force and strengthen space weapons. As a marshal, Tallie becomes increasingly busy with daily military affairs.

The two liquid balls that were once ignored also attracted people's attention. One of them is in the storage hall of the First Military Academy and has now been handed over to the Federation. However, the liquid ball has lost its genetic body and only remains. Empty shell.

Another one once appeared in the Golden Feather Auction House, but disappeared after being photographed by Kechier.

Then, the whereabouts of the liquid ball was traced to Shen Yue. The outside world's suspicion that Shen Yue is the spark is growing day by day.

But no one dared to question it directly.

It wasn't until that day, when the Titjes case was heard in public, that people remembered that this true traitor to the Confederacy had not yet been sentenced.

However, under the threat of the scarecrow, numb people no longer care about the life or death of others, and there are only a few viewers of the live broadcast of the trial.

In court, Tijes became haggard, and his former beautiful appearance had long been replaced by dullness.

During the trial, he made a shocking statement: "I know who Tinder is." But the precondition is that his sentence must be reduced.

This sentence made everyone concentrate, and the number of live broadcast viewers immediately soared, exceeding 100 million in a short time.

Everything had to give in to Goya's affairs. Tijes's request was quickly agreed to by the government, and the live broadcast was also shut down.

Obviously, the Federation has no intention of making such confidential matters public.

Tijes came from the court to the virtual meeting room of the council in an instant. He looked up and saw that his father was still sitting in the seat of the council member, but the other party did not give him a superfluous look.

He looked at Taliein who was sitting in the front seat again. The low brim of his hat could not suppress his sinister purple eyes, and his sharp gaze made Tijes feel chilled.

"Mr. Titjes, who is the Tinder?"

Everyone was waiting for Titjes to speak, and the air was stagnant.

He knew that once he said that person's name, let alone a reduced sentence, he would probably die quietly like Zhu Ling.

But so what, he has nothing left, and now only revenge can make him feel a little happy.

"Actually, you have guessed it a long time ago, but you just didn't dare to say, well, let me tell you, yes, it's Shen Yue." Tijes sneered.

No one was surprised, but under Talleyn's pressure, no one dared to be the first to challenge the God of Death. They needed to use Tijes's mouth to speak out.

"Where's the evidence?"

"I know that Shen Yue is among the people who have come into contact with the liquid ball in the school's storage hall, and I entered his spiritual sea a few years ago. It's obviously different from others. I think , Zhu Ling also discovered this matter at that time, so it must have led to a fatal disaster."

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