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Tallie's fingertips were trembling, and his violent heartbeat made him want to scream.

The figure that used to disappear at the slightest touch is now holding him tightly.

"Shen Yue..." Taliein finally stretched out his arm to wrap around his shoulders, and slowly tightened it, as if he was afraid that if he used too much force, he would knock this fleeting person apart, but he couldn't help but think about it. Hold him tight.

The world fell into a trance, and his eyes were filled with dreams. Talie felt that his soul was being blown up by the wind, and his body was no longer his... His mind also drifted and went crazy.

"Tarein, what are you doing?" The wind sent a slight sigh from my lover, carrying a familiar breath.

"...Huh?" Taliein was already in a trance. He looked at him longingly and didn't hear what he said clearly.

He felt his arm being held by a warm hand, and someone touching the pinprick on his arm.

He looked at the face of the person in front of him, relaxed his neck and touched it with his cheek. The moment he touched the warmth, his fingers suddenly tightened, and the breath that shook his heart fell on his ears.

"Shen Yue... Shen Yue!" Talie's calling voice became deeper and faster. Under the white gloves, veins floated on the back of his hand from holding him tightly. He had no time to think about it. He was just greedy for this unreal world, and being immersed in it made him crazy. world.

"Taliein, it's me." Shen Yue also responded to him, resting his forehead on his head.

In Taliein's psychedelic world, this voice seemed to fall on his ears, but also seemed to float from afar.

He was deeply afraid that he would not be able to catch it, that this scene would disappear at any time, so he tried his best to live in this illusion. He groped for the medicine on the cabinet with one hand, and eagerly grabbed a shot of medicine with trembling hands.

But just as the syringe was about to pierce into his arm, he was held by someone.

"Taliein, what are you doing?" An incredulous voice sounded, but Taliein could only catch the familiar breath. He could not understand what he was talking about. He was just afraid that he would be angry.

He worries about gains and losses and goes crazy.

"Don't be angry, don't leave..." The potion fell to the ground, and Taliein hugged him tightly with both hands.

"I'll listen to you, okay...don't leave." His purple eyes were exactly the same as when he was a teenager, frightened and helpless.

A piece of soft warm lips pressed against his dry lips. At the moment of contact, his body trembled, and then he opened his lips without any scruples, allowing the mouth, tongue, lips and teeth to mingle together even more unbridled.

Taliein raised his head, held his shoulders, and exerted force to press him down on his body. The chair tilted backwards, and their arms half hugged each other.

Lips and teeth depend on each other. The moist rain and dew blew down from the sky, breaking the strong embankment of the river, and a dry river bed was covered by the raging water.

Talie closed his eyes with throbbing. The most fascinating thing is when he is half asleep and half awake. The most fascinating thing is what cannot be grasped in the illusion and confusion.

The hot breath mixed with the sinking gasps were covered by each other, and a sigh escaped from the lingering lips and teeth, and then the touch and entanglement became more eager.

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