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Just after the Federal Congress ended, Xia Zuo immediately sent a message to Taliein.

——Tarein, your grandfather wants to see you.


——Better right away, it’s about your marriage.

Taliein said coldly to himself: "Just right."

It was late at night, and Shen Yue had fallen asleep. Taliein turned over in his arms, with his back to him, so that he could be completely in his arms. .

The arms of the sleeping person behind him subconsciously tightened around his waist and pulled him into his arms. The sense of security seemed to have turned into substance and filled his body, even filling every corner of the room.

Taliein grabbed his hand and rubbed his palm with her cheek. The hand seemed to respond to him and pinched his ear with her fingers.

The sharp gaze of the person in his arms softened instantly and turned into a mess.

Despite all kinds of speculations, Taliein and Tianqiaoren's CP was like a spring breeze, with flowers blooming everywhere.

CP fans all regretted it. Regardless of whether the owner of the hands at the citizens' meeting was a Tianqiao person or not, why didn't they think of pairing these two strongest stars together in the first place? It's really too grassy.

Of course, since they knew nothing about Tianqiao Man, AO had half and half guesses about his specific gender, but no one thought that Tianqiao Man would be a beta.

Maybe beta just has no sense of existence.

However, because the video was deleted so quickly, the popularity of this incident was quickly overshadowed by another incident.

The Artian family and the Kleike family are getting married.

[The Artian family can’t sit still anymore. ]

[I was afraid that the marshal's wife would fly away just like that. ]

[Actually, Tijes and Talleyin really match each other. 】

【It can only be said that Tijes is already an omega ceiling in all aspects. ]

[Will the hands behind Talleyin agree? 2333]

[Didn’t you refute the rumor? Just an advanced robot butler. ]

[The credibility of the federation's rumor refutation is 0. 】

【If you are not very capable, you are just a Tianqiao person! It’s the Tianqiao people! I want to knock CP! 】

A group of frigates surrounded the blue battleship in the middle and stayed at the Nola military port.

The blue battleship passed through the clouds without stopping, and transformed directly into the surface form. Its thin hull overlooked the beautiful planet, and finally slowly slid into the shipyard of Clerk Manor.

The housekeeper came to greet him: "Sir, the patriarch is still receiving guests in the living room, so I came to pick you up."

"Who?" Taliein frowned.

The butler was a little subtle: "It seems that someone from the Artian family came to discuss the wedding."

Shen Yue originally just wanted to tease him: "It seems that someone is competing with me for position."

"That's yours." Taliein He narrowed his eyes and grimaced: "Others want it, but they don't have that fate..."

Shen Yue's heart trembled: "Taliein, I'm joking."

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