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The news that federal citizens were held hostage by red mammoths hit the interstellar hot search, and all major live broadcast platforms used remote satellite live broadcasts in an instant.

Under the full HD resolution, even the eyelashes of the man with black hair and black eyes are clearly defined.

Several huge tentacles tightly wrapped around his limbs. Shen Yue was pinned to the ground by the red mammal, rubbing from left to right.

They seemed to smell Shen Yue's aura as a prehistoric human being named Goto. Although they looked very fierce, they had no intention of harming him.

"Be careful with your saliva..." Shen Yue tilted his head in disgust, avoiding the shouts that kept coming from above.

Then he frowned slowly. Over the past 100,000 years, the small animal evolved into a monster.

The mother planet in my memory has long been devastated, and everything has changed in a blink of an eye.

A feeling of alienation suddenly came over me.

The dark and blank eyes were differentiated and copied into countless clear images through virtual three-dimensional imaging technology, so Shen Yue, wearing a mask, appeared in front of every citizen watching the live broadcast.

Everyone seemed to be on the scene, looking at the exquisite "Monster and Boy" in front of them, and talking enthusiastically.

His hopelessness in life was misinterpreted by netizens as "Too numb with horror!!"

In the eyes of netizens, Hong Mammoth's enthusiasm is "unbearable hunger and thirst, and he wants to swallow it up quickly!!"

[It's over! To be eaten... so cruel! ]

[High energy ahead, minors are not allowed to enter]

[Can’t tell if it’s a beta or an omega? ]

[He is still wearing a mask, he looks pretty good-looking, but it's a pity that he is going to die.]

[Ahhhhh, how is this possible? The First Legion must save our omega! ]

[I feel like a beta...]

[You still don’t want to eat? If you don't want to eat, I'm leaving. ]

[Yes, I want to see the scene of the delicate omega being eaten. ]

[As for the previous one, thank you for reporting it. 】

Suddenly, a rapid blasting sound was heard in the distance.

Like countless light points falling. Thousands of robots fell from the sky.

Light warships surrounded the sky in the blink of an eye.

It is the first battleship with a cold blue color all over its body, and its fuselage is like a sword. It was Talleyn's aircraft carrier.

Shen Yue: "..." It seems like I have become a princess held hostage by an evil dragon?

As soon as Taliein's aircraft and ship appeared, the barrage on the live broadcast instantly became dense. Can't even see clearly.

A voice came from the fighter system: "Target found, protect hostages."

"All weapons are ready."

"First formation, on standby."

"Second formation, on standby."

"Start the cleanup plan immediately?"

Talleyin Press the start command.

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