Side Story 4

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Scientists have said that once a person's body becomes sick, it will become fragile and will subconsciously seek care and spiritual comfort from others around it to soothe its uncomfortable body.

Therefore, even a typical steel-cold alpha like Talien will show his fragile side.

Shen Yue tried to put him back on the bed, covering him with quilt and comforting him: "Sleep well, you will get better quickly."

The person on the bed opened his eyes slightly, revealing a confused purple light, and Shen Yue was startled. , was about to explain this embarrassing situation.

As a result, the other party put his head on his lap more naturally, murmuring: "I want to hug..." and naturally closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He doesn't seem to be awake yet.

Her golden hair was like bright and soft golden sand, scattered in fine pieces on his knees, and her hot cheek was pressed against the palm of his hand.

Who can bear this?

"General Manager?" Shen Yue was now in a dilemma, neither walking nor lying down.

I took a look at the heavy snow falling outside. In this situation, the trip would be delayed anyway.

Shen Yue took off his coat with one hand and grabbed Taliein's hand on his waist with the other hand to prevent him from disturbing him.

Hold the person in your arms and cover yourself with a light and fluffy quilt.

Taliein immediately tightened his grip, unceremoniously pushed his knees to his crotch for warmth, and drew his body into his arms.

Shen Yue was stiff for a moment, not daring to respond to him. Is this kind of intimate hug from a superior and a subordinate lacking in propriety?

After all, the other party is a person who is in a daze due to fever and cannot think in a normal way.

Finally, he patted Taliein's shoulder gently to comfort him.

Feeling a little embarrassed, Shen Yue took out a scarf from under his body, the same one he put on Taliein yesterday.

There is something with a down texture stuck under the leg. You can tell it is the down coat from yesterday without even looking.

Shen Yue didn't think about it carefully, thinking that it was probably too cold last night, so Talie also took his coat and put it on the bed.

Just as he closed his eyes and prepared to sleep, the cell phone on the table began to ring persistently, and the person in his arms frowned.

Shen Yue took the mobile phone, which seemed to be the supplier's number.

"Sorry, it's not convenient for the general manager right now. The schedule may have to be postponed."


After ending the call, I saw dozens of WeChat messages on the screen saver, and I could tell at a glance that they were all business matters.

Shen Yue put down his cell phone, and not long after closing his eyes, his secretary called again.

Shen Yue answered quickly this time.

"General manager, the branch office came out this morning..."

"Secretary Zhang, it's me. The general manager is not feeling well. If you have anything to do, we can wait until we get back."

The other person was obviously stunned for a while, and then said in a daze: "Oh ...What's wrong with the general manager?"

"I've caught a cold and have a fever."

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