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As soon as several search and rescue personnel stepped forward, their bodies suddenly collapsed to the ground. They didn't know what was going on.

Xia Zuo also hurriedly stepped forward, his skin suddenly trembling. His body was also affected by pheromones. Although he could not smell the pheromones with the helmet on his face, once he got close to the range, his body instincts would still be affected and he would become weak.

In the end, several beta personnel arrived and they were able to approach the two.

They wanted to take Taliein out of Shen Yue's hands, but were shocked to find that they couldn't do it. Shen Yue's hands had become stiff and were still tightly wrapped around Taliein.

Xia Zuo stood up, stumbled and pushed away the person next to him, and grabbed Taliein's fallen hand. He felt his pulse beating. When he looked at Shen Yue, he just fainted and collapsed on the ground laughing. : "The ancestors have spirits! The ancestors have spirits!"

But then he found that his whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and cold sweat was pouring from his forehead.

Xia Zuo is also an S-level alpha. When he meets other people's pheromones, he always crushes them. Even if he encounters 3S Taliein, he will only feel a strong sense of oppression.

This was the first time he encountered this inexplicable situation. Xia Zuo was startled and suddenly thought of something: Could it be that... the

search and rescue personnel finally broke off Shen Yue's hand, pulled Taliein out of his arms, and pulled Taliein out of his arms. Two people were sent to the emergency medical cabin on the ship.

Xia Zuo's eyes became complicated. If this was really the case, things would be in trouble.

"Wait, remember to spray pheromone blocking agent."

The search and rescue personnel was stunned for a moment and nodded.

The two medical cabins have now been moved to Clerk Manor. Angkola looked at Talleyn through the transparent bulkhead, his tight chest breathed a sigh of relief, and then shook his head: "It's been like this since I was a child. Being too emotional and paranoid is tantamount to putting your own weaknesses in front of the enemy."

Xia Zuo saw that his father's hair had turned a lot gray overnight. After all, he was an old man over two hundred years old, so he had to keep his doubts in his heart for the time being.

"The doctors in the military department have seen it, and Talie's health is fine."

"Huh, I'm not a fool to report good news but not bad news. It's probably the toxins in the mental sea that are the problem." "

It seems that it has not been completely eradicated. On the contrary, Because the red foam is getting worse this time."

Angkola shouted fiercely: "Nora only has such a big place! Can't you find out who it is? Get him out!"

The door was pushed open violently, and the sound of footsteps could be heard. Crazy and anxious, Semis stepped forward with surprise and looked at the people in the repair cabin: "I knew... I knew that my brother would be fine..."

Xia Zuo said: "Yes, if it wasn't for Shen Yue, This time is really dangerous... Fortunately, neither of our lives is in danger."

Semis gritted his teeth and sneered calmly: "Really? His life is really big, second uncle, don't tell me, we seem to owe him... ...He tried his best to be with his brother. Maybe this was a trick he directed and acted himself!"

Angkola stared at him with sharp eyes: "Semis, shut up!"

Semis said politely with a smile. The man was unwell: "Don't worry, of course I will still be grateful to him."

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