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The Dark Legion's attack on the Rose Galaxy came suddenly, and the First Legion held an emergency meeting of upper-level officers.

Taliein sat at the head and quickly issued countermeasures.

Everyone focused their attention on the Rose Galaxy.

At this time, a space engineering ship passed the docking module review and successfully connected to the Yongsheng's shipyard.

This is a federal engineering ship. In an interstellar voyage, if the energy is in crisis, according to federal regulations, you can seek assistance from the Ever Given.

When Shen Yue stepped out of the room, the electronic bracelet issued a warning.

Taliein personally put the electronic bracelet on him, and 3S's mental power was concentrated on it. Compared with the previous one, it was not easy to take it off.

He stared at the bracelet, made up his final determination, and used his own mental power to forcibly cover the mental power on it.

Shen Yue was already very familiar with the Yongsheng, especially the section leading to the docking module.

"Shen Yue..." A cold voice sounded.

Shen Yue turned around.

But he saw Gena frowning, holding a plasma gun in his hand, and the gun was pointed at him.

"Where are you going?"

Shen Yue calmed down: "Can't you see?"

Gena shook his head: "You can't leave, unless you can escape from the federation instantly, but that's impossible."

Shen Yue replied . : "Gana, if Talleyin's toxin breaks out, please go to Mitlan, she will tell you what to do."

Gena smiled: "If you go like this, I'm afraid the marshal will not be as simple as the poison outbreak. Already."

His smile contained a strategic delay.

Shen Yue immediately noticed that Gena's fingers were moving towards the warning device on his belt.

Gena also knew that he could not harm Shen Yue, so the plasma in his hand was just a decoration. He wanted to notify the marshal as soon as possible.

However, before he touched the communicator on his belt, his fingers froze instantly.

An invisible spiritual thread had clasped his fingers, and then every joint in his body was entangled with invisible power. Gena's expression tightened, and he suddenly realized that he could no longer move.

A burst of spiritual power suddenly struck, and Gena's spiritual sea surged wildly, and he fell to the ground like a puppet in an instant.

Shen Yue turned around and left without hesitation, but felt his steps were heavy.

In the docking cabin, the GX6488 engineering ship has been fully charged with energy and has officially successfully detached and flown into the vast universe.

An hour later, Taliein left the meeting.

When he was about to open the door, his heart suddenly jumped for some reason. Sure enough, when the cold hatch opened, the room was empty before his eyes.

The electronic bracelet was taken off and placed on the table.

Talleyn's eyes were stimulated by this scene, and his pupils contracted.


Beavis transformed from the wall and looked at the devil's gloomy face: "Mr. Talleyn..."

"Where are the people?"

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