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Planet Aquamarine is also famous as a beautiful holy place in the Federation Star.

The surface is covered by more than 80% of the ocean. The scenery here is pleasant all year round and it is also a honeymoon destination.

In order to protect the environment, the government stipulates that space flights to Aquamarine are not allowed for two months every year.

These two months happened to be the outage period, which was also the reason why Taliein chose Aquamarine Star.

After a bright white bird passed through the atmosphere, a beautiful light appeared on its tail. Then the big bird gradually shrank, changed to a low-altitude mode, and finally slid into the opening of a huge shipyard on the island.

Shen Yue knew that the Clay Hakkas were rich, but he didn't expect that they were so rich that they even had such a big island on Aquamarine, where every inch of land was precious.

When you step into the room, you can see the scenery outside the window rotating at a very low speed.

The entire villa rotates automatically, and you can see different scenery changes outside throughout the day. Sunrise and sunset, the ocean and land can appear in front of the same window.

The two people sat in front of the bay window. Shen Yue held him on his lap and kissed him naturally. The dusk sunlight reflected in along the gap between the two side faces. The curves on the side of the eyebrows were vague and sweet, leaving a trace on the floor. Under the beautiful picture, the eyelashes of the two people are clearly visible.

Taliein suddenly frowned slightly, and Shen Yue stopped quickly and asked, "What's wrong? Is your stomach bloated again?"

Taliein occasionally does this now. Shen Yue checked the information and it is said that sudden bloating in the abdomen is a normal phenomenon of pregnancy. .

Talie put her forehead against his, with a moist gloss on her lips: "No, no."

To him, this discomfort was nothing at all. It can only be said that since he became pregnant, Shen Yue has become more and more uncomfortable. In the past, I was even more careful, observing every change he made, as if I were an ice cream cone that was about to melt at any moment.

Although he enjoyed the feeling of being held in his heart, he just wanted to continue the kiss now.

Shen Yue knew that he still had more to say and deliberately remained unaware. He just loosened the belt around his waist and said, "My belly is getting bigger and bigger. It's inconvenient to wear this kind of clothes." "

I can't wear anything else." Taliein said casually. To deal with him, he has never worn clothes other than military uniforms almost since he joined the army. Even when he got married, he wore a marshal's dress.

Now that my belly is getting bigger and bigger, it is really inappropriate to wear military uniform anymore.

But that's not the point now. Talie's forehead was rubbing his face impatiently, and the temperature was scorching.

Shen Yue enjoyed the caress and coquettishness of the big cat, and just hugged him gently as always. His dark eyes were more eye-catching than the flaming clouds at dusk.

He clearly knew what he wanted. Talie was so restless that he untied his belt, held his face, and kissed him directly.

It was him who started the show so rudely and irritably, his belt making a crisp sound on the ground.

Taliein straightened his back and lifted his chin with his white gloves. Shen Yue was forced to raise his head, as if his back was against the undulating sea outside the window, and Taliein was plundering his mouth from a high position.

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