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"Classmate Shen Yue!" In the school, a figure ran very fast in the corridor, and the surrounding students turned around and looked sideways.

"Isn't Jiang Kai from the mecha department? Why did he come to the dormitory of the divine therapy department?"

"You're not going to settle the score with Shen Yue, are you?"

"But the director said that Jiang Kai signed the consent form himself."

"Jiang Isn't Kai going to confess his love?"

Jiang Kai ran very fast, straight to the B3 dormitory of the Department of Divine Therapy, but his footsteps, which were originally like the wind, suddenly stopped in the corridor on the seventh floor.

In the corridor, two men were looking at him coldly.

Jiang Kai had interned in the First Army Corps. Although these two men were wearing civilian clothes, their cold and determined temperament made them look like officers, and they were officers with high military ranks.

Despite this, these two people did not dilute Jiang Kai's excitement. He only wanted to see Shen Yue now.

"Classmate Shen." Jiang Kai adjusted his breathing and knocked on Shen Yue's dormitory door.

After running such a long distance, my breathing was not disturbed, but now I was so nervous that I had difficulty breathing.

After a long minute, the door opened.

Shen Yue said in surprise: "Jiang Kai? Why are you here?"

"Classmate Shen, I came here to thank you. Before my mental injury healed, I thought it would never get better in this life. Classmate Shen, you know me..." Jiang Kai breathed out Said a lot without punctuation.

Shen Yue glanced at the people in the dormitory: "Don't be so excited. We are classmates and we should help each other."

Jiang Kai touched the back of his head and said straightforwardly: "I'm really sorry for causing you to be misunderstood by everyone. But I've explained everything clearly to you on the forum! I hope you won't..."

Seeing that the air pressure inside was no longer normal, Shen Yue quickly interrupted him: "I definitely don't take it to heart, don't worry, um , you still have to go to class at this time, it’s bad if you’re late!”

It means please leave quickly!

Of course Jiang Kai didn't understand his good intentions, and he said bluntly: "Thank you, Mr. Shen, for your concern. The teacher asked me to rest for two more days, so I am free these two days." Who cares about you, I care about

myself . Shen Yue held his forehead and said bluntly: "I still have something to do, you go back first."

"Wait...Classmate Shen!" Jiang Kai resisted the door he was about to close, and then took a deep breath, as if swearing a slogan : "Can I invite you to dinner tonight?!"

These words echoed throughout the corridor.

Shen Yue's brows jumped: Oh no.

But there was a clang, and it seemed like something like a vase had cracked inside.

"Huh? Is Qiao Qi in there?" Jiang Kai was stunned for a moment.

If Shen Yue hadn't used his mental power to block someone's pressure silently at the door, it might have been Jiang Kai who was broken now...

"Jiang Kai! I have something to do! You go first." Shen Yue simply closed the door.

Jiang Kai stood blankly at the door. He was a straight-tempered man. He had come excitedly, but now he was suddenly turned away. He was not disappointed: he must have been too abrupt! Classmate Shen felt offended.

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