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At the same time, in the office, Tijes was staring coldly at the two people in the live broadcast.

He admitted that he was jealous of Shen Yue and was almost going crazy with jealousy.

In the thoughts that he had been instilled in him since he was a child, Taliein should belong to him. He is obviously the most likely person to become a lifelong partner with him. For this reason, he chose the divine healing department against his will at the beginning, just to make him his own. to better assist him.

If it hadn't been for Shen Yue, would the person Taliein was pulling now be him? Will everyone focus on themselves?

However, the fact is that Shen Yue stole the show, and that mediocre beta who was bullied easily took everything from him, and he became the laughing stock...

He now hates both of them.

A psychiatric chair sits behind a draped curtain on the theater stage.

With the help of the mental chair, Taliein's mental sea gradually calmed down, and his cells and bones relaxed, making him drowsy.

"Taliein, you believe me, right?" He felt Shen Yue caressing his forehead, and his voice was faintly visible in the clouds.

Behind the curtain, Taliein grabbed his hand and gently rubbed his palm with her cheek.

"No matter what happens, if I don't ask you to get up, don't get up."

Mitlan raised his mental power, and the first sound was like a bowstring, and the loud and loud sound echoed around the theater.

Immediately, the "Star Sacrifice" has begun. With the help of the power of the magnetic field, the mental power of more than two hundred people has made people's hearts tremble and their ears feel numb.

Taliein's fingers trembled, Shen Yue held his hand, and at the same time, his spiritual power penetrated his mind.

Under the influence of singing, the waves of the spiritual sea are getting higher and higher, and the originally calm sea surface is gradually covered with white flowers, rising and falling, and the waves are rolling.

The forest breath from Shen Yue melted into the seabed, "Star Sacrifice" had an effect, and the bubbles representing toxins gradually surfaced.

Shen Yue's expression tightened. Sure enough, it had never been resolved.

What is hidden inside that bubble?

Taliein, let me see what you are resisting...

The notes of "Star Sacrifice" are like pearls, bouncing and shaking from the inside of the eggshell theater, pulling each other, and a torch finally turns into a star. The fierce fire burned everyone's chest.

With the blessing of the magnetic field, the power of "Star Sacrifice" doubled, and the song that shook the sky almost made the earth tremble. Some officers with lower mental strength immediately felt a splitting headache after the initial shock.

Tijes once again experienced an unprecedented struggle in his heart.

"Just do it, Tijes, it's just a very simple thing, and it doesn't even count as violating military regulations." The black shadow began to guide him again.

"What use are two abandoned military transmission stations to you?" Tijes didn't understand.

"Why ask so many questions? The more you know, the more guilty you will feel, right?"

Tijes sneered. The more inexplicable the request, the more wary he felt. He doesn't want to be an accomplice of the Dark Legion killing innocent people.

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