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Shen Yue completed his "Star Sacrifice". This day happened to be his twentieth day in Nola.

After putting down the music score, Shen Yue had time to enter the desert star to open up.

In less than a month, the Goya team has gone from one hundred to more than ninety. Shen Yue felt sorry for himself. It was obviously a team of three people, but Tang En was gone, and he became a transparent person again, relying on Cyril alone. Save points and make rapid progress.

Cyril said that only the top fifty teams can redeem their points for real interstellar navigation qualifications and mineral mining qualifications. This is also the ultimate goal of most players. Cyril has worked hard for many years and is almost close to the goal.

Shen Yue marked the location several times with concentration. He was not ready to log off until the number of marks was used up. At this time, Cyril sent a message: "Shen Yue, are you the person on the flyover?" Shen Yue hesitated for a moment, feeling that there was nothing to

hide. To hide it, he made a positive expression.

There was silence for a while, and then a message came: "Are the people in Geya very spiritual?"

- Is that okay? Of course there must be relatively few people like me.

——Haha, indeed.

——Cyril, I also want to ask you, what is the way of love among new humans?

——A love problem? I don't have any experience either.

——You haven’t talked about it?

——No, K said, dating is not allowed during working hours.

——So what are your working hours?

——Twenty-four hours a day, all year round.

Shen Yue: "..."

- I always thought you and K were a couple.

——Doesn’t count? He only comes to me when he needs me.

——So this is how new humans get along with each other in love? Just to solve physical problems?

——Of course not, watching a movie? Have a meal? shop? travel? Anything is fine...I think that's about it, but K and I are different.

——Have you done these things with K?


——Then what if the object is too possessive?

——Actually, I also have this question...

Recalling the situation where Cyril was being monitored everywhere when he was in Xisei, Shen Yue felt that Cyril seemed to be suffering from the same problem?

Cyril seemed to know his recent troubles, and suddenly sent a message:

- I don't think it is necessary to follow the rules and pursue a normal love model. After all, K and Talleyin are not ordinary people. Why not try to get along first?

——So, do you think K will agree to your going to the desert galaxy?

——Probably not, but K cannot control my whereabouts. I will resign when the time comes, and I will go back to Kate.

Shen Yue felt that his problem was not as simple as Cyril's.

However, Cyril was right, Taliein was not an ordinary person, and he could not restrain him with ordinary people's thinking.


In the patriarch's room, Angkola frowned: "You want to leave?"

"Now that Taliein has been successfully divided, I can consider myself retired. There are still many things waiting for me in school. , I've been here for so many days, it's enough." Shen Yue sat opposite.

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