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A legal lifelong partner with a compatibility score of 99.3%. The Federal Council no longer has an excuse to obstruct it, but most netizens still continue to make noises.

The last crash of the shuttle ship has already caused a stir on the Internet. Regarding the toxins in Talley's spiritual sea, it seems to have become a generally accepted tacit understanding. However, the Federation deliberately suppressed public opinion, so it did not cause a big sensation.

[Didn’t you already know this? Even the King's Orchestra has almost become the marshal's personal orchestra, always on call. 】

【Every time, bubbles stir things up. The Kleike family has recently been strictly investigating people coming and going from Nora, probably investigating spies of the Dark Legion. ]

[So, Talie is now affected by toxins and his brain is not normal. Otherwise, why would he marry a beta. ]

[Don't be upset upstairs, go find a beta that matches 99.3% of the 3S level. 】

So without exception, the message area turned into gender opposition again, and

Shen Yue himself was also worried. For this matter, he had invited the King Band to come to NOLA a few days ago, intending to make one last attempt.

When the machine butler Beavis came in with breakfast and clothes, Taliein had just shown signs of waking up and frowned slightly.

Purple eyes opened, the bedside was empty, and the familiar breath was still lingering in his nose. He sat up suddenly: "Shen Yue!" The considerate robot said quickly: "

Mr. Shen is in the study."

Hearing the sound from the bedroom Hearing the voice from the side, Shen Yue, who was checking information, immediately closed the book and walked out of the study: "I'm here."

Taliein's quilt slid to his waist. His strong and well-proportioned waist was covered with red marks, and his eyes were like two stars. The purple pearl stared at him as brightly as if to accuse him of "leaving without saying goodbye."

He walked to the bed and sat down, and was immediately hugged from behind, and the big cat rubbed his back.

Shen Yue turned sideways, smiled and touched his head: "Get up and have breakfast. After that, you have to try on the dress."

Beavis had melted into the wall and turned off automatically.

Talleyn nestled in his arms, shaking his head lazily.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" he asked carefully.

Shen Yue checked and found that although the new human Enigma has long been extinct, many relevant records have been preserved, including the symptoms of alpha being completely marked, which are basically the same as in the Goya era.

After being completely marked, alpha will gradually transform into Enigma's exclusive omega. Although the pheromones will not change, outsiders can no longer smell his pheromones, and the marked person will also undergo many subtle changes.

Talie frowned and looked at him strangely, but hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you think..." Gritting his teeth awkwardly, he grabbed his hand and tried to pull it under the quilt.

"Does it hurt?" Shen Yue pressed on his waist.

The first completely marked sequelae: Alpha's body will ache at the knot, and the specific duration depends on the degree of pheromone compatibility between the two.

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