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"Classmate Jiang! What's wrong with you?" There was a sudden noise in the fitness room.

"I was fine just now, but why did I fall to the ground all of a sudden?" The fitness equipment area was crowded with people, and a student was lying on the ground with a pale face, unconscious.

The administrator arrived at the scene first: "I have called people from the medical department to come over. Let's all disperse."

A student who knew the situation said: "Jiang Kai was besieged during his internship before. This is an old mental injury. , the people from the medical department may not be able to do it, and it is too far to wait for the people from the spiritual therapy department to come."

The administrator frowned and said, "I have already asked people to come over. Are there any teachers or students from the psychiatric therapy department here? Help him stabilize the situation!"

People around you looked at me and I looked at you. When everyone looked at each other's physiques, they knew that they were all students of the mecha system, and the equipment in the fitness room here was originally designed for the mecha system. , usually more people from the mecha department come here, and students from the magical healing department generally don’t come here.

Someone suddenly said: "Tijes! I remember that Tijes came to work out today. He had the best score in the divine healing department before."

Soon someone found Tijes who was in a daze in the lounge.

Everyone gave way to Tijes. When Tijes saw Jiang Kai's condition, he didn't dare to delay. He had Jiang Kai put on a bench and started mental treatment.

His mental power is one of the best in the whole school, and he was a magician in healing before, so the effects are naturally extraordinary.

But Jiang Kai's face gradually recovered as he was lying on the bench.

The crowd whispered: "As expected of a member of the Artian family, this kind of effect is comparable to that of teachers from the divine healing department." "Really

? I thought so before, but it was just on the anonymous forum a few days ago. It was also an eye-opener for me."

"Hey, don't say a few words. I heard that Tijes stayed in the dormitory for two days and did not dare to go out."

"He also knows that it is embarrassing. He was surprised to stay in the Department of Divine Healing before. Okay, why are you here in the mecha department? It turns out that the eldest young master was robbed of the first place. I'm not happy." "

Shh, stop talking... we are all classmates, save some face."

No matter how quiet the voice is, If everyone says something, it will become a crowd.

When Tijes was undergoing treatment, he should have been concentrating and not distracted, but the gossips of the people around him were like sea water pouring back, crazily flooding into his mind.

The insulting and mocking comments in the forum posts were like tiny needles, piercing into every nerve in his mind that was on the verge of collapse.

Every stone jumped out of people's mouths and rolled onto him. The more Tijes listened, the more confused he became, and his expression became worse. His mind became confused almost instantly, and his mental power was uncontrollable.

But when he heard a low roar, Tijes was startled. He came back from his depressed world and saw that Jiang Kai, who had already improved, suddenly trembled in pain while in a coma.

"Jiang Kai! What's wrong with you?" Everyone looked at them in surprise, wondering why the treatment situation took a turn for the worse.

Tijes tried to calm down and save the situation, but it had no effect at all. Jiang Kai was still twitching all over.

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