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Xia Zuo and Angkola waited at the dining table for half an hour.

According to the housekeeper, Tarein did not come out of the room from last night to this afternoon.

"I heard that Shen Yue woke up?" Angkola said.

"Look at this posture, he must have woken up. The news about the wedding has been sent out, and it should be from the First Army Corps." "Ahem,

no wait, let's eat first." Angkola coughed meaningfully , can I finally hold my great-grandson this time?

Xia Zuo expressed doubts about whether his nephew had the ability to make people pregnant.

The wedding, which was originally postponed indefinitely, was reversed within a day. The announcement just issued by the First Army once again raised the hearts of netizens.

The crowd was a little excited: Is Taliein really going to marry a beta?

The officers of the First Legion were generally not optimistic about this marriage.

It was not until the next evening that Talleyn appeared at the legion's war council.

Their marshal's face was as cold and gloomy as ever, his neat military uniform buttons were tightened to the top, the brim of his hat was drooped, covering his beautiful purple eyes, and he basically said nothing.

Occasionally when important issues were discussed, he would only name an officer to speak without speaking himself.

However, on weekdays, the marshal spoke little or even silently, so everyone was used to it and had no other ideas.

As soon as the meeting ended, Taliein's whole body was like a sponge soaked in water, his whole body was heavy and limp, and then he shrank into his arms, his eyes were charming, and he could squeeze out water, but he didn't have any strength at all.

Who would have thought that their marshal would be in someone else's arms right now, acting like a child.

Shen Yue took off his hat, revealing a pair of lazy purple eyes.

"Let me see how your mental state is." He was still thinking about this matter. He didn't want to experience the situation last time again.

Talie leaned against him feebly, closed his eyes, and felt the hand he habitually placed on his forehead, and then a familiar spiritual force penetrated his spiritual sea, and then opened his inner spiritual realm. The ancient forest smell made him almost intoxicated.

It's still the same as before, the toxin is hidden, or it has evolved...

something that is completely targeted at Talleyin, something that others can't grasp at all. Only people who know Talleyin very well can do it. Could it be that "Stars Offering" Isn't "Sacrifice" enough?

Shen Yue frowned, perhaps the mental hallucinogen had deepened the poison.

"Shen Yue..." Talie suddenly spoke, his voice suppressing a certain emotion.


"Actually, I think it's because of the hallucinogen..." After a long time, he finally spoke, forcing himself to muster up the courage and waiting for Shen Yue to sigh either annoyed or sadly at him.

"I don't deserve...what you do..." Talie put his palm on his forehead. During the month when Shen Yue was in coma, whenever he realized this, he would fall into a cycle of pain. He was the one who made Shen Yue become like that. He was not worth all the hard work he had put in before.

Shen Yue said with relief: "If that's true, it's my fault, not to mention..." He smiled meaningfully and said no more.

What's more, it's not that kind of situation. He really doesn't know when and how long it will take for the differentiation to go smoothly.

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