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The federal news was playing on the imager in the shopping mall, and it was actually about the Tianqiao Man.

Shen Yue stopped and raised his head. In the picture, it was the "overpass man" who looked very similar to him that he had seen on the engineering ship before.

His ID was picked up by netizens, and he once made comments on the Internet in favor of the Dark Legion, specifically: [The Dark Legion has a stronger military power, and Taliein will be unable to survive alone sooner or later. ] and other messages.

The Tianqiao people who are currently most recognized by netizens are actually very likely not to be friends of the Federation, which has caused anxiety among the citizens of the Federation.

Therefore, under the control of the federal government, the live broadcast of the Tianqiao man was also shut down, and his IP address had long been exposed in the Dark Empire galaxy.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this is most likely set up by the Dark Legion to make the Federation hostile to the Tianqiao people.

Shen Yue watched the fragments of the fake flyover people playing on the screen, and couldn't help but sigh: "It looks

quite similar." The person wearing a mask next to him sneered: "It doesn't look alike at all."

The two were out on a date.

Taliein took what Shen Yue said yesterday about taking him on a date seriously.

Shen Yue's biggest goal now is to satisfy him and give him a sense of security, and of course he has not rejected him.

The two of them were just walking aimlessly on a date, and then they saw this news at the entrance of the shopping mall.

Shen Yue looked at his penetrating eyes and suddenly remembered one thing. The clothes worn by the people on the bridge were exactly the same as the one he wore in Nola. Therefore, Taliein had always faced the bridge when he was a boy. The image of a person.

He also thought he was hiding well, but in fact all disguises were doomed to fail.

When he appeared at the First Military Academy as a Tianqiao man, Taliein probably confirmed his identity.

"So, you have recognized me a long time ago."

Upon hearing Shen Yue's indifferent words, Talie's purple eyes began to darken.

"What do you recognize?" The voice was dangerous.

Oops, Shen Yue finally realized what he was doing, and his heart skipped a beat. Did he get dizzy while checking information recently? Wasn't this just his own fault?

Taliein probably just suspected that he was the masked man who was with him when he was a child, but because he always looked ignorant before, this suspicion was stuck in a deadlock and could not be broken.

In addition, Talie had a strong sense of self-esteem and never pointed it out.

Therefore, the subtle attitude and incomprehensible words towards him in the repair cabin last time seemed to be normal now.

Now that he doesn't accuse himself, doesn't it mean he admits that he has been pretending to have amnesia to deceive him? And it was so natural to lie?

Seeing that the aura of the person next to him was getting colder and colder, and the two eyes were as cold as arrows, Shen Yue's heart became more and more tense. No matter how he explained it now, it seemed like he was quibbling.

"So you remember... Pretending is really your thing." Talleyn gritted his teeth and trembled. You can almost imagine how much emotion he was suppressing.

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